Airtel Broadband: Beetel 220BX disconnection on idle

Uttar Pradesh
Bsnl UL 675
hi folks,I am having connection prob with beetel 220BX gets disconnected on idle..( because i can ping beetel's Ip and can see the public Ip allocated to it )..but i cant go outisde.what can be the cause ?..( My line is fine no problem with OS too..this is all due to Modem only.)Thanks
are u dialing or the modem connects by itself?
pls anyone ..its really getting hard ..because this beetel is too slow to let me in through and takes almost 5 min to load the pages even telnet too very slow (some times just blinks ) to troubleshoot this .
now regarding firmware upgrade, do u need to ftp the modem?wht is the procedure for tht and r u using the USB cable for connecting modem with PC?
@ mitesh varadhan
Downloaded the firmware file for 220Bx adsl2+modem for future use.. 1.792 Mb. zipped file.
No need for me to upgrade. Please unzip and see whether you get the instructions.
I am not using the USB port of the modem.
You have to Update through the modem see ss below

Hmm, even my connection has been acting up since yesterday. Hoping it's temporary cuz the firmware posted on the site causes the SNR on my line to nosedive. :/
