Airtel Broadband: Is this offer possible ?

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BMI is calculated by Weight in kg divided by Height in metre-squares... that should be between 20-25 for a healthy body....
Not diagnosis and treatment. General advice and information for
a healthy body and mind.
Eat lots of Cheese and Butter with Bread. Sleep a lot than u normally take. If u like, u can consume two eggs daily :)

:) . I tried wit cheese and butter and ended up wit pimples here & there over my face. :D .. Yeah but it has helped me to plump a bit. Egg ummm i won't consume . . . In my opinion, egg falls in the prime category of Non-veg. Next thing me gonne try is . . . BEER !!! :p

A Health forum? Many doctors are members.They may chip in.
According to your height/age if the body weight is Ok Maintain it.
Another new check is BMI. BodyMassIndex. This has to be kept in mind.
If not a 34 24 36 figure, you should not have 36 36 36 !!!

Lol yeah.. The last two pages smells more like a health forum. :D
Man i wish i shuld be 36 36 36. But right now i might be 34 32 34 . . :p
Some suggested junk foods to gain weight. Yeah am very much aware of its ill effects. But after all we are humans. We are bound to get one health prob or other regardless of the care we take . So.. enjoy today. Forget abt tomo . . :D

health forum... that can be done. but i believe medical advice is something that should be taken from a doctor personally not online.

Yeah very much true. But as user essbebe said, its after all suggestions to maintain the health and not any treatment or medical advice. And of course . . No medicines should be suggested and taken without the advise of physician. But nothing limits the sharing of idea on natural foods. :)
eggs fall under non-veg... hmm get eggs from those farms where they only feed grains to the chicks...xD:P(100% veg chicks) Getting pimples may also be due to poor matabolic rate.workout with a good healthy diet ( lots of protiens and carbs ) should be able to help u there. :dance:
unfortunately Mod has no where to move it to yet...:P

No problem. lock the thread. 125 Posts.
Any thread without a solution/relevant information
exceeding say 50 should be locked.
All start new thread for the same subject.
I go to Search above with a key word , and usually
get the info the thread starter needs!.
Anyway nobody is going to read all from the beginning !
"Antakshiri " type. see last two or three postings only.

@ moderator
Please lock this thread.
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