Airtel Broadband: Is this offer possible ?

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Yeah ! Even my Night Unlimited usage is not counted since 19th sep. Only for the first few days, they fail to activate NU top up. Thats y the problem. . .

yepp.. feeling a little releived after all these hassles !
@senthilCheck in selfcare account information. NU is not listed.If still logged, send email to [email protected]@yramakrishnanPlease see other thread " call for Airtel............ jaipur..... etc" by @rahil
^ ^ ^ Yeah going through the thread. :)Abt my bill : Still the CC people are to call me regarding the explanation for mt bill amount [ Rs. 833 ] . Wat ever be the explanation they gonna give, definitely i am not going to get convinced . May get the call tomo. Wil update as soon as i get. Till than, you too [essbebe] call CC and pressure them to cut the night usage from the usage details. . . O After generating the bill, it wil be tough to get the entire waiver b4 due date. First they wil ask us to pay the full amt by due date then later they wil refund. Its again going to be us who wil strain to get the money back.
send e mail to [email protected] or
[email protected]
Say you cannot ask for waiver every month,
and Night usage should not be recorded. done.

Mine no more night usage records. ( as was practice earlier )
227.52 26/09/2008 05/10/2008
Usage Type Duration Pulses Amount
DSL (DownLoad) 291041 29119 227.52
Your bill after waiver Rs 833/= rough calculations
Say normal 250+Rs 50= Rs 300 x 2/3 = Rs 200=
Migration wef 15th sept 500+50=550/3 say Rs 180/=
Broadband split charges Rs 380/= + taxes 12% = Rs 425 approx /=
Add another Rs 50( if NU top up is shown as Rs 99/=) Total Rs 475/=
Any telephone/std call charges ? 833- 475= = Rs 358/=
Rs 358 less 12% tax say Rs 43/== Rs 315/=
If no telephone calls apprx 400 MB has been charged. (400 X 80Paise = Rs 320/) Mention this point.
Any overlapping d/l day and night ? on some days , which cannot be calculated correctly. ?
some xtract from my email to [email protected]
yourCC has advised me to wait till 26th oct/
(to check Online my chargeable usage for BB
Did not accept my statement that another friend's usage does not show NU(with similar plan Migrated on 15th Sept ) Name Shri. Y Ramakrishnan Chennai.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Thanks for the mail ID. I was abt to ask you. WIl wait for today. If don't get any call, wil definitely approach the appelate .

In my opinion, the Night Usage wil not be counted hereafter. Those people have effected the plan alone first and then after a couple of days, they activate the NU top up. Thats y our Night usage for the first 2-3 days were counted. As our NU top up is activated, no chance for this problem to occur again.

Regarding my bill calculations :

Plan Turbo 256 [ On Prorata Basis for 19 days ] :

Rent : 192 [ 161 ( Rent ) + 31 ( NU Top Up ) ]
BB usage : 300
Discount : 300
Tax : 24

Total : 216

PLan Home Combo 499 [ On Prorata Basis for 12 days ] :

Rent : 198 [ 177 ( Rent ) + 19 ( NU Top Up ) ]
BB usage : 80 [ Supposedly to be 80 as i ve used 100 units. But their charge is something exhorbitant .
Discount : 80
Tax : 24

Total : 220

Grand Total : 216 + 220 = 436

Therefore , i can pay maximum of Rs. 440 , not a penny in excess of it.

Btw :
Broadband split charges Rs 380/= + taxes 12% = Rs 425 approx /=
Wat does it mean ?

Update :

Just now checked my online Account

My current outstanding is : Rs. 455.03

Still its Rs.19 higher than what i calculated . :D

Should i repost again ? :D

When looking from the point of reduction from 3900 to 455, it looks good. But still why should i pay some Rs. 20 extra ? For 20 i can buy 2 Lays packet ! :p

Funs apart , finally everything has settled down it seems. Anyways wil call Airtel again and get a confirmation . :)
@yramakrishnanMy calculation was approximate. Old tariff and new tariff. ( split)I think your "top up" now will be Rs 99/PM and that could be the difference in your calculation. ( Rs 436+ Rs 19/extra for topup)= Rs 455/=I feel you can accept the bill and pay. Else another Rs 100 surcharge for late payment and correspondence. can get credit even later . Lays add "cholestrol" or fat to your bodyand better avoid it .Instead get some fresh fruits!

My calculation was approximate. Old tariff and new tariff. ( split)
I think your "top up" now will be Rs 99/PM and that could be the
difference in your calculation. ( Rs 436+ Rs 19/extra for topup)= Rs 455/=
I feel you can accept the bill and pay. Else another Rs 100
surcharge for late payment and correspondence.
can get credit even later .

Well. They have calculated the charges separately in the bill for both the plans. For the new plan, they have charged just 19, & not (19 + 19 ) . And they promised to provide me the NU top up at Rs. 49 . Anyways, it won't gain me any good if i keep arguing with these fools. They somehow want to end up in the winning side. Let them take Rs. 20 for providing me this wonderful plan ! :p

Lays add "cholestrol" or fat to your body
and better avoid it .Instead get some fresh fruits!
Thanks for your concern . But i am desperate to gain weight. I am over 6 feet tall and need to put up a little more weight to look proportionate to my height. Suggest some healthy (veg) food that helps me to gain weight. :)
Thanks for your concern . But i am desperate to gain weight. I am over 6 feet tall and need to put up a little more weight to look proportionate to my height. Suggest some healthy (veg) food that helps me to gain weight. :)

Eat lots of Cheese and Butter with Bread. Sleep a lot than u normally take. If u like, u can consume two eggs daily :)
@sushubhA Health forum? Many doctors are members.They may chip in. @yramakrishnan.According to your height/age if the body weight is Ok Maintain it.Another new check is BMI. BodyMassIndex. This has to be kept in mind.If not a 34 24 36 figure, you should not have 36 36 36 !!!
health forum... that can be done. but i believe medical advice is something that should be taken from a doctor personally not online.
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