BEWARE ACT is adding false GBs to FUP (download limit) usage

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I was very careful to not use my FUP early and I had used around 3 to 4 GB at around 5th May afternoon. A while later when I checked my usage it had shot up to 24 GB. I had not downloaded anything or watched any videos or listened to any music or done anything which would have used this much. I had not changed my pattern of usage at all from the previous days.

Around 20 GB of false usage had been added, and it was increasing at a phenomenal rate. I first saw the spike at around 23.90 GB. 5 seconds later it was up to 24 GB. I pulled out the ethernet cable (without shutting off the computer) and reconnected and the spiking stopped. However the FUP was stuck at 24GB, adding 20 GB of false usage.

My plan is the 40 mbps plan, which translates to around 5 MB/S MAXIMUM. However, I rarely get this speed, usually only while watching popular videos on Youtube. Other times it hovers around 500KB/S to 3 MB/S. At the absolute maximum, 20 GB would take (20000MB/5MBps) = 4000 seconds. Which is 1 hour 6 minutes and 40 seconds. This is at maximum download speed, which I get only when watching popular videos on Youtube, nowhere else. If you assume 3 MBps or lower, it takes a lot longer. The 20 GB of false usage was added a lot faster than 1 hour 6 minutes 40 seconds. It is impossible for my connection to use that much data in that short amount of time.

I raised the complaint immediately at 5 PM, and got an automated response from ACT chennai saying the issue would be resolved in 24 hours. I got another (automated) email from ACT helpdesk saying the issue would be resolved in 48 hours and that my reference number was 0004515258. My account ID is 801643

Both deadlines passed 2 days ago and I received no response. I called the ACT helpline (044 42840000) yesterday (8th May) and at billing a Mr Kumar said that I had consumed the data, and he had the proof in logs. He said he would send it to me in an email by 5 PM in the evening. I asked him to send it to me immediately, but he hesitated. Its now 9th May and he hasn't sent me anything.

I called again today, and a Mr Jagannathan repeated what Mr Kumar said yesterday, adding that he would "reopen" the request (implying that it was a request, not a complaint, and that it was closed without resolving). ACT is refusing to admit and fix its mistake. They should at the very least reduce the usage by the amount they have added. But they won't even look into the matter.

I cannot pay for data I have not consumed. ACT is forcing me to disconnect. Beware, if you take an ACT connection, you might be forced to pay for data you have not consumed. It might not happen in the first few months, I went a year without major issues. But rest assured, it will happen at some point down the line.

EDIT June 1st: The month has passed, and of course ACT has done nothing. I have enabled the traffic meter in my router now (right after I booted my PC) so if they pull this scam again, they'll be caught redhanded.
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This has happened to me as well. all of a sudden it seems i have used an extra 25 gb in 2 days without any downloads. This is suspicious at best.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused. We will look into this and get back to you.

Warm Regards,
ACT Fibernet

So you said this on 25th May noon, and you've done nothing till now as of 27th may. No contact from you at all, no resolution. You respond here finally after 15 days, when the end of the month is near. I've given you the ID and complaint reference number. I've asked for a detailed report, to see exactly how that data was consumed. I was told that you do not have that information. So how did this guy (who incidentally had the same problem) get a detailed report? Beware of Day Robbery - ACT • ACT Fibernet

What resolution will you provide? Four days till the month is over; are you going to reduce the 20 GB of false usage you've added in my FUP (and this needs to be done immediately) or are you going to add the 20 GBs to my next month's download cap? Are you just going to do nothing, pretend you're attending and let the month go by? How and WHEN am I going to be compensated for this?

Hi Netizeninchennai,

I too have the same problem. I have opted for the 30 mbps 50 gb connection and within the first 15 days itself they are showing that I exceeded the FUP. I wasn't sure how that was possible, but i gave them the benefit of the doubt and thought I might have gone overboard, so I reset it after paying 600 bucks and got 27 gb and then again last week, Thursday ( May 21), my speed was throttled and it was showing that I had exceeded the FUP. This time I paid an addition 380 bucks and got it reset on Friday, which gave me 16 gb as FUP. Since we had plans for the weekend, me and my wife weren't home for those 2 days, save for a few hours when we had to come home in the evening and logged in to check some mails and then immediately had to leave. When I came back on Monday, I was shocked to see that I had exceeded my FUP, when I wasn't even home that weekend!!!

Upon calling the customer care, I was told by them that I had consumed 10 gb on Friday, 7 gb on Saturday and 1 gb "here and there"(thats exactly what he said !! ). He told me he'll send me the data log for this month within 24 working hours,which I obviously did not receive as they have no intentions of helping in any case. The request code for that call is 0004700201.
ACT called me today on the 29th of May. With just 2 days left on the month, they made it clear they were not serious about admitting their mistake and fixing this problem. They insisted the problem was with my router. Keep in mind I had been using this router for over a year with no issues. Keep in mind the speed drops off severely while using the router with the wifi, making it unusable for anything but browsing and watching non-HD videos. Its impossible to download 20 GB through the router wifi in a day, let alone an hour. The ACT guy said they had over 40,000 customers and none of them had this problem. I told him several people on this very board have the very same problem, the board he saw my thread on and called me.

Its clear ACT, that you don't want to solve this problem. You won't reset my FUP, you won't refund the 20 GB back to my download cap, you won't compensate me for the fact that I can't use your service as advertised. So don't pretend you've resolved the problem like you did in that other guy's thread.
