BSNL Broadband is randomly redirecting users to their webmail service‽

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I am facing this problem daily. I explain what I experienced in the last 1 month. There is also some help to those who want to get access to the net in case of problem.

1) is a promotional page to promote an enterprise email solution developed, copy rigted by a private company. It is also an advertisement page, some say to get extra revenue from google adsence.

2)Redirecting URL request by an ISP is illegal. They have no right to interfere and block access to internet, unless there is some payment issue connected with providing internet service.

3) This is same as making unsolicited call on phine. It violates privacy.

4) There is also larger issue of violation of "net neutrality" a free and fair access to internet.

5) Many believe, the appearance of bsnl advert page ( it self is the problem. I would say, that is the lesser issue. Many time that page does not appear for many technical reasons, internet connection is blocked and people have no clue. Large number of subscriber are facing this problem. They do not find this bsnl page and think there is some kind of routine intent problem without realizing the mischief done by bsnl.

6) No body in the bsnl know or can do anything about this. Be it in the service center, exchange, cable etc. They treat it as regular problem and waste your time. The fault is at server level. It is programmed that way.

7) BSNL mostly use captive portal, that is a use log in or authentication page, for this purpose, before connecting the user to the internet. They do this randomly, some time once a day some time several times in a minute.

8) They redirect not only "get" URL page requests but also "post" requests such as form submission etc. The later one is most irritating and dangerous.

9) Some remedy : Out of my experience, I have found someway to get connected to the net, whenever I face problem ( as pointed out in point no.5). It is as follows:

On PC: Keep hitting any page say till that page or this advertising bsnl page appears.

Another way is to remove and connect Ethernet cable from the router. This resets public IP, and chances of connecting to the net or getting the bsnl pages is more.

10) In mobile phone using wifi, the problem is still grave. None of the Apps function here since the bsnl page data is still not downloaded. Apps can not show web pages.

Remedy: The user should go to the browser, try to access any web page say till the redirected bsnl page appears. There onwards all Apps work. It is easier to get this done in PC. If you get connection in PC, then you get connection in mobile as well.

11) Sometime, Android notification may ask you to sign in to your wifi network. Click the notification, you are taken to the browser, and if the speed is good, you are connected to the bsnl page. There after your apps will work.

12) On my mobile I found a 204 request added to google IP. That suggest BSNL is authenticating before connecting to the net. Instead of actually authenticating, BSNL is using this method to publish advertisement page. (for example This is handy work of BSNL the ISP itself and nobody else.

13) Somebody in BSNL tried to misguide me by saying some other wifi network in my area may be interfering with mine. So, I disconnect my wifi router. On my PC, I still faced same problem.

14) People have no clue about the problem. Since this is not permanent problem and in any case they will get connected to the net after sometime ( may be say in one hour) they treat as poor bsnl service. If at all if page appears, they are happy as they think net becomes alright. Many think there is some issue with their wifi router or mobile phone itself and curse the manufacturer or fight with their service centre people.

15) All of us should give more publicity to this unethical practice by BSNL and compell them to remove this restraint imposed on their broadband subscriber. BSNL has made an issue out of no issue. They are spoiling otherwise whatever best service they are offering for extra buck or to please their private masters.
I was going to open a thread about it but nope.

I'm getting this bsnl webmail redirect for a week now. It's annoying and sometimes my speed gets reduced to crawling 10kbps. WTF BSNL? It happens like 20 times a day now!

It is very irritating when a elderly is using the internet, this stupid mail redirect pops up out of nowhere. It's like a ghost to them since they touch nothing. BSNL get your shít together!
BSNL is using what is known as DNS hijack, there are many methods on google on how to deal with dns hijack

but the easiest one which has worked for me is to just add to my adblock plus filter in firefox

That will block ads on "web page" that we are reading. We chose to visit the said web page on our own wish. In BSNL case, the advertisement is not the issue, but the whole page itself is thrust on users without his consent. It is forcefully taking the subscriber by the ISP to their "own page" before letting him to access the "internet". Their own page could be a log in page to renew broadband subscriptions ( which is legal) or authenticate users. BSNL is using this provision to send dummy advertisement page, before connecting us to the net.

As I said in my previous post, in my android phone using wifi connection, I am unnecessarily asked to "sign in" to my network When I click on the notification, I am taken to the browser, then to this log in page disguised as advertisement page. No setting at my end can bypass this roadblock, since it is programmed that way by the ISP.
Good you solved the problem. But, of all the 100s of sites in the history, why the browser chooses to visit again and again? Easi kya khas hai ye BSNL page mai? I have cleared the history, set it to none still I get this page. In-fact I am getting only this bsnl page than anything else these days! It looks like they have rewarded me after I complained against BSNL at public grievances.

Changing your DNS server will not prevent your ISP from redirecting http addresses, which is what they are doing here. Hell I'm using dnscrypt with a server supporting DNSSEC validation, and I still get redirects to their crappy mail. Secure https links are unaffected. This is similar to the BSNL high speed data top-up site, once you have exhausted your FUP data http links will redirect there while https links will simply fail to connect.

Setting your browser to never remember history will obviously not solve anything either :p

I would bet that our mod here is correct about the fallback address.
do not use this service. period. it is probably not being advertised. i think some dickhead used it as a backup domain to forward traffic to in case of certain conditions are met or something.
Changing your DNS server will not prevent your ISP from redirecting http addresses, which is what they are doing here. Hell I'm using dnscrypt with a server supporting DNSSEC validation, and I still get redirects to their crappy mail. Secure https links are unaffected. This is similar to the BSNL high speed data top-up site, once you have exhausted your FUP data http links will redirect there while https links will simply fail to connect.

Even during beginning of the month, infarct on the very first day of the month I am redirected to the holy site.So, it is not a matter of crossing FUP limit. Somebody I know make heavy use of skype daily and do not use browser at all, do not face this problem. The criteria set by BSNL to choose their victim is mystery. It seems to me, only those with some particular browsing pattern are affected, rest are left out so as not to create unnecessary hue and cry.
Even during beginning of the month, infarct on the very first day of the month I am redirected to the holy site.So, it is not a matter of crossing FUP limit. Somebody I know make heavy use of skype daily and do not use browser at all, do not face this problem. The criteria set by BSNL to choose their victim is mystery. It seems to me, only those with some particular browsing pattern are affected, rest are left out so as not to create unnecessary hue and cry.

I don't think you understood what I said, I didn't imply the redirection to the mail portal has to do with the fup. I just said both redirections (to the mail portal and to the fup top-up link) work the same way, that is they redirect http links only. https links are unaffected, as is any service not using http, for example Skype.

As moderator said, I would guess something like this (as an example): maybe failed tcp packets at a particular stage of connection result in a redirect to a 'default' value, which is set to the mail portal link for some reason.

I highly doubt bsnl has actively targeted particular users with particular browsing habits XD
I have never experienced this maybe because I have never fully used my 175 gb fup limit!?
