Cheated by the Cable Operator

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CAS is coming. After that there will be one channel on TV and channel switching wud be using STB. so why waste even 250Rs?@imranparla.. 7star.. any1 here using 7star cable..can they confirm how much they are paying?@asdfgfyes old is gold. its working good as of now from 15yrs. but now it seems to be dieing. just spent some 1000Rs on repairs.
I think in the forum 90% of the people including me are dissatisfied with their cable operator. I hope these guys vanish soon. Atleast from the metro. I am not against small cable operators who are in village and the people in village also requires them.
^^^I am amongst the rest 10% :D.I am pretty satisfied with my cable operators offering, 200Rs/month for all channels with almost no downtime is pretty slick deal!
ur cable op must be really good man or ur relative or facing some stiff competition.
Hasnt CAS been implemented in entire Mumbai ??There is definately improvement in service as Cable operator has no control over anything. just collects free channels ka paisa.Quality of Broadcast is greatly improved over analogue signals.But i f***** hate IN cable net and their Set Top Box with crappy Slow UI Software.Ohh cummon even microsoft can design a better UI

No he is not my relative, Competition???? Its monopoly here,once another operator started offering service for 100 bucks to attract people and this operator did all sorts of things to drive him away in 1 week............I used to curse him as no other Internet provider could offer service in this area because of his monopoly...............and internet service offered by them sucked............Finally MTNL launched Triband and I was the happiest man, it was such a great feeling as if I came out of Jail, I was the first person to jump to Triband in my Area!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
strange if he has monopoly, then why does he offer channels so cheap? i think u r getting it at 200Rs even b4 Tata Sky was launched.
Yes its been 200 for around 2 years now..............Who's complaining?Since I got Triband, I don't care for his monopoly in the area, he can stop all ISP's from coming to the area but MTNL telephone line???MTNL hai toh sahi hai!!!! :)
i've been paying 150 bucks to my cable operator for 3 tv sets... but i think this is the normal charge taken by most cable operators in delhi...@gregoryi have sent him a pm
