DATA ONE HUGE BILL FOR 900 unlimited BroadBand Plan. BEWARE!!!!!!!!!!


I was using DataOne connection in Andhra Pradesh from the month DECEMBER 2007 with a plan 250 RC.

I changed that existing plan to 900C ( Unlimited Downloads). I submitted an application on 28th December 2007.

I asked the corresponding employee who's accepting the applications about the new plan activation.

He told me that it will be activated from the 1st January 2008. So, I started using broadband from the day One of January 2008 thinking that i am in 900 UL plan.

All the days when i use my broadband, i used to check the usage details. But, now a days i am not able to check those details due some problem. The PAGE IS NOT DISPLAYED. It shows some server busy problem.

But when i check my account recently, it shows an amount of 58222 Rupees. I was shocked and i rushed to the BSNL office and asked the concerned authority about this issue.

I asked SRINIVAS RAO (A.E. ) of Bsnl, he told me that they are facing some problems in the Bangalore, So it will take 3 more months to get the plan converted.

And i asked solution for my problem, he simply smiled and said am too facing the same problem with my phone bill. There's no solution for otherthan paying the Bill.


can anybody help me solving my problem? whom shud i report and everything... anything..
if u careless like me u have to pay for ur carelessness,i paid 1200rs many times in home 500plan,because i don't know about there math of counting usage,after i came in this forum,i saved my lot of money sure,so best of luck,if they will not charge you,or meet to advocate and go to court against them,after all this is around 60000rs deal,so do everything u can do...
even on airtel i confirm from 3 different sources whether my plan is converted or not. am too scared of these companies...
Hello all guys.I m exactly in the same situation though. My bill will be not less then 50000 bucks. Huh huh huh. I dont know from where on earth i should pay so huge bill. I had called up last month in decemeber of 2007 to switch to unlimited. The lady said that i will be on unlimited from jan 1st 2008 and gave me a reference number. So today morning i was discussing the technical issue and i asked them to confirm whats my package so they told me that i m on home500. My connection is just 3 months old though. So after hearing that i got ripped off. So i immediately called up the 1500 and discussed the issue with the lady. So told me that there has been a request to switch to unlimited on your account but it has not gone through for some reasons. So i told her now what about the bill? she said that i have to call up AGM on monday so i said fine. now that i m googling about the situation i see this has happened to many people also. Would you tell me that i have a reference number which confirms that i have had placed a request to switch to unlimited and i was assured that from 1st i will be on unlimited. Will this is good enough for not? Secondly, the records in bsnl does confirm that i had called up to switch and in case whether i cant switch the package should have been informed to me by the respective employee isnt ? So this failure in the information has resulted me in this deplorable situation. I as a customer should not be botherd of whether or not my package is switched since i have placed the request and taken the confirmation and if there system doesnt do its job isnt it there responsibility to inform the customer? So i would like some advise and suggestion as to how i and others can handle this situation i must say that i have had some high blood pressure and severe headache after hearing this. I hope you freinds would bail us out of this situation. Irfan, theknight
Hello friends!please go through the following suggestion of mine while raising Billing disputes.1) ensure you have the necessary refernce numbers, complaints number, or acknoledgement given by the bsnl CSC staff while forwarding the complaint letter.2)If the plan is not changed,as per your request, and billing refer your old plan, than the officer that who responsible for changing plan may not be much help, as they have no power to alter the billing already issued.3) Now the officer whom you have to contact is, your zonal Accounts Officer (Telephone Revenue)TR wing or chief Accounts Officer (TR).4) To them, give your complaint in writing(irrespective of their assurances don't content with oral/telephone complaint. 5)Next stage is you must pay, some part of disputed bill, In such case account officer will indicate the billing is disputed in the system.6) after getting the confirmation from the Technical Officer about your request for change of plan, he will make the necessary corrections in the billing and you 'll be allowed to pay accordingly.6)even here, you must ensure that the plan is changed in the portal as well.Please remember,"Sound of clap need two hands to meet" Thanking you,vaithy
Hello allSo vaithy thanks for your reply.Now that i have a reference number given to me and i have launced a complaint over the phone and got a complaint number. On monday i will write a letter to BSNL and explain to them the situation. My biggest worry is that i have had downloaded debian linux which is about 16 GB plus few movies. Thats around 35 GB i guess so. They are going to charge me around 30 thousand at least. Am i obligated to pay this money? Because here is where the whole problem is. Would you tell me how can i save my skin because thats a huge money for me at least. Thanks in advance.Irfan,theknight
@theknightCan you check up your usage at the BSNL Portal ? Take a copy now.What was the d/l speed you were getting when you downloaded big files ?@whitestar_999 note the point he made at the end of Post 6.

@essbebeI cant open the portal page to checkthe usage details at all. I complained to the customer care about this and they told me that its a problem with the portal id of mine and i have to walk in to the customer care to get resolved. This month i had the same download speed of over 200kps. I was not aware that when we switch to unlimited the download speed drops. However i checked with my other freinds who are using dataone and they download games they told me that get download speed around 150 to 200 kps and it goes up as well because they use a D-Link router not the one which bsnl provides. According to whitestar_999 the case is weak. Although when the records in Bsnl suggest that i and others who have called up to switch the package. I did confirm this with bsnl employees and they did inform me that the reques to switch to change plan was but it did not go through. The records in bsnl proves the point that customer has had placed the request and its BSNL system which did not let that happen, whether for policy reason or general system failure. Thats irrespective because if its a policy related issue such as we cant switch a rate plan with first 3 months. The BSNL representative should have informed the caller isn it? Which he didnt. However if its a system failure then its the employees and process in BSNL which has to see that how many requests got successed how many didnt. Investigate and reason and resolve. A mail or a call to customer to inform the failure of switching the packages should been made which did not happen. Now how on earth a customer has to bear the liability of service? Under what circumstances we can blame the customer. Ideally we should have cross checked and confirmed before believing that we are on new rate plan. But that cant be held responsible against the customer because customer deserves benefit of doubt.
check now opening. ok. Use 14digit portal Id and password I think, is password.

I am not blaming you, or taking sides. Only saving grace , you have given a written application for Tariff plan change and hope you got a receipt.
When dealing with ISP's always use cc and send email.Go on sending reminders. Send copy to nodal also. Then if a problem arises , you can justify your stand.
On Phone daily, you have to repeat your query to a new person, and action/advice depends , on her/his initiative.
@essbebe. Yeah thanks for your suggestion, nope i m not saying that you are blaming not at all just chill mate. As far as your suggestion thats absolutely true. I have made a point to stick these things to the dot after facing this situation.
Dear theknight!!Telephone complaints are useful only when the service is not performed or delayed..In your case billing already issued,hence contact the Accounts Officer TR ( his name must be written in the back of the bill it self..) and gave your complaint in writing and get acknowledgement from him..with regards,vaithy
