Does God Exist?

TheOneWhoKnocks said:
You wouldn't have made this comment if u realized how big our universe is and how much time it took for life to form and evolve. Everything seems magical/too good if you ignore the time parameter.
Once again you people are focusing on just 'life'. That was not even what i was talking about. I was talking about the placement of galaxies, the stars, the planets ..the way everything works in universe it is like a perfect design.Too illogical to just chalk it up to coincidence and chance. that is all i am saying. I don't believe in 'chance' theory when it comes to universe and how it works.
And yes i do not know how big our universe is neither do you..because no human being does.
Mickey said:
Too illogical to just chalk it up to coincidence and chance. I don't believe in 'chance' theory when it comes to universe and how it works.
Why not ? I guess Stephen Hawking didn't convince you with his "Grand Design" books.
Mickey said:
Once again you people are focusing on just 'life'. That was not even what i was talking about. I was talking about the placement of galaxies, the stars, the planets ..the way everything works in universe it is like a perfect design.Too illogical to just chalk it up to coincidence and chance. that is all i am saying. I don't believe in 'chance' theory when it comes to universe and how it works.
And yes i do not know how big our universe is neither do you..because no human being does.
There is no specific placement of galaxies, matter is scattered around almost uniformly across the universe, except couple of places, which we have no clue why. Can you please tell me what in the placement or structure of the universe hints at a creator of any kind?

>Pic related, released last week by Planck Telescope, the most detailed CMBR map of the universe till date.
Nothing in the universe works like a perfect design.
Not all of it is chance, it's simple cause and effect.
Matter (uniformity of it) exists the way it does because of what happened during the big bang, it's simple cause and effect.
Mickey said:
Did you just call me ignorant? Without even bothering to read and comprehend what i am actually saying? where did i say universe is life tuned for life? but i did say that our universe is too perfectly designed and made to be just a chance happening or coincidence.
Next time if you are going to quote me make sure you actually read what i wrote.
No. I just meant that your argument is born out of ignorance.
Fine, let's forget I said that. You say it is perfectly designed. Designed for what purpose?
Samuel said:
Well, if a single definition is not accepted by everyone, that doesn't mean anything.

And if the argument is not ending, that means go ahead and reach a judgement that it's not worth pursuing, well.
So, if there is one God and everyone agrees to accept him, then the whole debate would start making sense and it would become worth pursuing?
I would say, you have a freewill and you can make your middle way out by just saying, I don't care, I don't accept that God, I would make one of Gold that looks like an animal.
Apparently humans don't have a fixed way of thinking and such a thought process discussing a subject like Gawwd? bound to create dozen of definition of God and Supernatural powers. Humanity sounds stupid if I follow your way of thinking and your take on the subject, God.
If a single definition is not accepted, then we would never be able to reach a consensus regarding the subject of god. How can such an argument ever end if we are arguing about 2 different things? I mentioned my argument with Jaymin as an example. Do you really think that doesn't mean anything? If you do, then I don't think you fully understand what I'm trying to say.
Much of what you said next sounds nonsensical. But I do agree that much of humanity is stupid. And the fact that a large number of people believe in god is my justification of that.
Sheik Yerbouti said:
If a single definition is not accepted, then we would never be able to reach a consensus regarding the subject of god. How can such an argument ever end if we are arguing about 2 different things? I mentioned my argument with Jaymin as an example. Do you really think that doesn't mean anything? If you do, then I don't think you fully understand what I'm trying to say.
Much of what you said next sounds nonsensical. But I do agree that much of humanity is stupid. And the fact that a large number of people believe in god is my justification of that.
If Jaymin has a different definition of God and you believe there is no God, as long as you both are not killing people because of that...I think it's socially acceptable. Don't become militants, just that.
You don't necessarily have to prove the existence of your personal God, as right from the tribal ages "they call em tribals", people have an urge to believe in the existence of a being more powerful than what they are, a super natural being. It's proven that there is an urge a social/personal need that makes them make a God for the sake of fulfilling it.
It seems that you don't have that urge and people in 21st century do not really have that either, but I don't understand one thing, whats up with the urge of debating subjects like God, when the entire concept sounds stupid in the first place, well maybe God has become a good topic to kill time, a need that gets you into talking about Him, well.
What I said sounds nonsensical? Yeah, I know right!
AFAIK, there have been many scientists and well known people who happened to be theist in one way or the other, so I don't really think a person should worry about being termed stupid for believing and following a God, it's just makes sense. I mean yeah the term Holy Rollers was invented for the same :)
Samuel said:
If Jaymin has a different definition of God and you believe there is no God, as long as you both are not killing people because of that...I think it's socially acceptable. Don't become militants, just that.
I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about the truth of such claims.
Samuel said:
You don't necessarily have to prove the existence of your personal God, as right from the tribal ages "they call em tribals", people have an urge to believe in the existence of a being more powerful than what they are, a super natural being. It's proven that there is an urge a social/personal need that makes them make a God for the sake of fulfilling it.
Just because there is a predisposition to believe in gods doesn't mean that gods exist.
Samuel said:
It seems that you don't have that urge and people in 21st century do not really have that either, but I don't understand one thing, whats up with the urge of debating subjects like God, when the entire concept sounds stupid in the first place, well maybe God has become a good topic to kill time, a need that gets you into talking about Him, well.
Freedom of speech. I'm merely voicing my opinion about the subject.
Samuel said:
What I said sounds nonsensical? Yeah, I know right!
Samuel said:
AFAIK, there have been many scientists and well known people who happened to be theist in one way or the other, so I don't really think a person should worry about being termed stupid for believing and following a God, it's just makes sense. I mean yeah the term Holy Rollers was invented for the same :)
AFAIK, there have been many scientists and well known people who happened to be atheists in one way or the other. So how do you decide which world view is an accurate or true?

Sheik Yerbouti said:
AFAIK, there have been many scientists and well known people who happened to be atheists in one way or the other. So how do you decide which world view is an accurate or true?
Well, the context was that people are not stupid sir as you said they are! If they are scientists and know so much, they are mature enough to take a stance to be an atheist or a theist.
Samuel said:
AFAIK, there have been many scientists and well known people who happened to be atheists in one way or the other. So how do you decide which world view is an accurate or true?
Well, the context was that people are not stupid sir as you said they are! If they are scientists and know so much, they are mature enough to take a stance to be an atheist or a theist.
That's not certain.
