Goods & Services Tax (GST) Updates

Only 50 items to face 28% GST tax rate: Here are all the details

There was unanimity that in 28 per cent category there should be only sin and demerit goods, he added. "So, today the GST Council took a historic decision, that in the 28 per cent slab there will be only 50 items and the remaining items have been brought down to 18 per cent ."

Paints, cement have been retained at 28 per cent, he added. Luxury goods such as washing machine and air conditioners have been retained at 28 per cent.

Why these mentally retarded people categories paint, cement, washing machines as sin and luxury goods while a faucet costing more than a 1000Rs as a normal usage item qualifying for lower tax.... is beyond comprehension of common man....

India is doomed with these fools at helm....
restaurants are now taxed at 5%. down from 12/18%. but this does not apply to restaurants in Hotels where room rent is above 7500 from what i read which is again bakchodi.

also. restaurants cannot claim input tax credit. so they are now going to increase prices which means customers would most likely be paying around the same money for the same food.
