Google Photos is ending its Unlimited Free Storage from June 1, 2021

MTNL uses dynamic public IP. No-IP and DDNS is used to update the IP Address corresponding to the domain whenever the ISP changes it.

However, with Carrier Grade NAT, services such as webservers cannot be accessed from WAN directly as the public IP is shared by many customers.

ZeroTier allows you to join a ZeroTier network and get a IP which can be accessed from other devices connected to the ZeroTier network. ZeroTier can punch through Carrier Grade NAT and establish direct connections between two devices without having to relay data through another server (though initially it does relay data for some time before connection is established).

Check this thread:
Had a thought of moving to the Apple ecosystem, since it's photos app also has the AI search thing and they are pro privacy atleast on paper..

Tested it and surprised that the search feature of Google photos is AGES ahead of the one in Apple. Another alternative shot down 😔
Also, just noticed that Google One pricing is different for Apple users! And there are more quota options.


Have finished setting everything up

Turned out to be much easier than I anticipated

Ordered the Pi4 from pibox, it comes with everything including case, sd card etc.

Installed NextCloudPi on the SD card, booted and set it up from the webUI

Setup a zerotier network to access it from outside

