Have we reached the limit of inventions in technology

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Hmm, so tachyons is also figment of someone's imagination.

First they say nothing can be faster than light.
Faster speed more energy.
Then they say Techyon can be faster than light.
Then they say Techyon cant ever go SLOWER than light.
Energy reduces, Techyon speed increases!
Techyon can help to communicate with past!

And then this theory is used to counter my question :D
It can be proved that however energy you supply to a particle it cannot be accelerated to super-light speeds.
if say a person I is stationary, person II is moving at a particular direction with a velocity 0.5c and a light pulse is there which they both record speed of, moving in the same direction as the second person. Contrary to the moving person recording the speed of the pulse to be 0.5c , both the persons record the same speed c. You are trying to apply the Newton's laws to particles with speeds comparable to c, which is absurd. The tachyons will be particles which do not obey Newton's laws, and so do normal particles which are moving at the speeds more than 0.01c. For them the postulates of relativity hold true and not Newton's laws of motion.
One more thing is that if you do manage to go faster than light, then you'll go in the past. So whenever you die, you'll die before you were born. In such a frame, if we fire a bullet and it hits a bird, then the bird will be dead before the bullet is fired from the gun. As you'll agree this can never happen, the 'effect' cannot exceed the 'cause', so instead of obtaining particles moving with a speed greater than c by applying energy, we found out that c is the ultimate speed for any material particle or information, no matter how light the particle is.

Nobody here said that tachyons slow down when we supply them energy, so how did you come to know of it?


It is just a forum! where is the proof?

Read it for god's sake!
One more thing is that if you do manage to go faster than light, then you'll go in the past. So whenever you die, you'll die before you were born.

Science makes a law (which in my opinion is assumption). Then based on that law talks abt dying before birth! Which has not happened practically.

Now so based on that law, it violates a basic law of nature... death after birth... which has been happening practically from ages and ages and happens everyday.

But oh well, science is superior!

Nobody here said that tachyons slow down when we supply them energy, so how did you come to know of it?

Read it for god's sake!

Tachyon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Read it for god's sake!

Science makes a law (which in my opinion is assumption). Then based on that law talks abt dying before birth! Which has not happened practically.

Now so based on that law, it violates a basic law of nature... death after birth... which has been happening practically from ages and ages and happens everyday.

But oh well, science is superior!

Tachyon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Read it for god's sake!

Hey, that read it for god's sake was not targeted towards you!
Dying before birth has not happened practically, you say? Then has anyone practically gone faster than light?
And yes.. whenever you invent a time machine, go 400 years in the past and then die, and say you died after you were born.
Science makes a law (which in my opinion is assumption). Then based on that law talks abt dying before birth! Which has not happened practically.

Now so based on that law, it violates a basic law of nature... death after birth... which has been happening practically from ages and ages and happens everyday.

But oh well, science is superior!

well i actually hold the view that anything and everything is possible.....yes i might be a strictly scientific in my thinkings but sometimes my heart says otherwise.
and that comes from the fact of our very existence...

death before birth, why not? is there any law? who made the law? god? he who made the universe? can natural laws describe our existence? why we exist?
science can answer death before birth but not this !!!
some of these ppl really need to go in space , then their thinking , the way their mind works may change ............then only they will know(probably) and feel that our basic existence is such an astonishing fact ,that if we can exist(and the universe ofcourse) then anything and everything is possible.:eek:


also Einstein first, only in his head ASSUMED and believed that e=mc2(based on assumption powered by data suggesting that) and after that came the proof when the fission processs was discovered to be true and along produced amazing amount of energy .................oh sry was it after they discovered fission process ,they knew about e =mc2 @amish????
@devx - ur explanation is really beyond my understanding!


@toocool = my question was NOT abt E=mc2.. my question was why assume matter/particle cant go faster than light?

some people here say that everything is possible and on other hand say Einstein is right... so doesnt that counter each other?

@amish... u cant just say that it doesn't make any sense to ur mind that nothing can go beyond the speed of light.....because it is based on some assumption!!!!!!!!!!!.....fact is its not ONLY BASED on assumption , it has more than one thing to support this , actually this point is not a single aspect of that theory , it is only a part of a larger theory and larger theory deals with general relativity and at some point in that theory , THIS POINT COMES ALONG(nothing can go beyond speed of light) now a theory is not a single line about some random experiment , it has very vast work done to conclude the general relativity theory and the time runs into "decades" so u can see it was not made in a jiffy and obviously a theory made in decades have been made because of hundreds of aspects of has to be taken into account , all the data,mathematical equations ,all previous basis including newtons theories are all taken into account while making this BIG DADDY , and till now from all aspects till date this theory has been proven right , ITS TRIED AND TESTED ONE. if u have been following "does gods exist" thread all science believers including me, there have been telling all the time there that science is READY TO ACCEPT NEW FINDINGS WITH AN OPEN HEART as long there are enough proof of new findings available . now u raised a question that , why anything cannot go beyond speed of light, i would modify ur question and it will have same meaning, now modified question is "there are things which can go beyond speed of light " .............now if someone including u , can prove this claim , scientists will be more than happy to modify the theory of relativity or will probably make a new one and if enough changes are needed than may be general theory will be abandoned totally if new theory answers all questions better than the general theory. find the world a proof ,publish it, get it accepted and voila u win.!!!!!!!!!!!but if u are not ready to do that, but only will put random baseless questions than its nothing more than foolishness my friend , u are questioning the ppl who have given their lifetime for this subject and are having sufficient proof of their findings ,now u may not be able to understand their proof and its not their fault .suppose tomorrow they say that there is something which can go beyond light speed(with proof) then u may again say something like "it still doesn't make any sense to u" u can still say thousnds things on everything and anything u want WITHOUT ANY BASIS WHATSOEVER, WHOSE GONNA STOP U?????
Exactly. If anything is beyond YOUR understanding, it does not mean that it cannot be proved, does it?
@devx - ur explanation is really beyond my understanding!

some people here say that everything is possible and on other hand say Einstein is right... so doesnt that counter each other?

well i said in a sarcastic manner....

And yes everything is possible,everything can be proved,but the only thing which cannot be explained is our existence !!! (that is the only thing beyond reach of science).....


from this episode i remember one show of discovery where speculations/conspiracy theories regarding USA's moon mission was shown.

It showed various peoples who don't believe that USA actually landed people there but actually it was just staged in the area 51. They showed various claims like hair in photo,numbering of rocks etc etc. and also counter arguments were shown(valid ones of course).

At last they finally gave a proof which no one in the world could deny. It was a parabolic reflector left by astronauts which still sends a laser light beam back if it is reflected on it from the earth. It is there and is in use for 50 years almost.(also things were said that russians has enough radar tech. to monitor the events)

This was shown to/asked to the person who believed rigorously in the conspiracy theory and spoke through out the episode. He didn't accept said and said it is a bluff but offered no apparent explanation for this.

He just believed what he wanted to believe no matter what evidence u give it to them.
well i said in a sarcastic manner....

And yes everything is possible,everything can be proved,but the only thing which cannot be explained is our existence !!! (that is the only thing beyond reach of science).....


from this episode i remember one show of discovery where speculations/conspiracy theories regarding USA's moon mission was shown.

It showed various peoples who don't believe that USA actually landed people there but actually it was just staged in the area 51. They showed various claims like hair in photo,numbering of rocks etc etc. and also counter arguments were shown(valid ones of course).

At last they finally gave a proof which no one in the world could deny. It was a parabolic reflector left by astronauts which still sends a laser light beam back if it is reflected on it from the earth. It is there and is in use for 50 years almost.(also things were said that russians has enough radar tech. to monitor the events)

This was shown to/asked to the person who believed rigorously in the conspiracy theory and spoke through out the episode. He didn't accept said and said it is a bluff but offered no apparent explanation for this.

He just believed what he wanted to believe no matter what evidence u give it to them.
You know what? some people are there as well who, in the inside, believe what the other person is saying, but just keep giving one or the other lame excuses to keep the argument going. If somebody genuinely has a question, and it is valid, we can notice that in the writing. But for these people, that is missing.
