Have we reached the limit of inventions in technology

  • Thread starter Thread starter amish
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@ Toocool.....

But knowing how u can travel in time is, I THINK, different from the ability to travel in time. Here, amish had started the thread & asked this:

Whether we can actually travel in time or not?

Now this, i think is slite different from the question:

How to travel in time?

Get the difference between these 2 questions??

btw why dont amish and jaymin make a team and make a theory and prove all scientists wrong???? make ur own theory publish it.

Show me where did we try to prove the theory itself wrong!! I said i do believe in the theory.
"You cant go faster than light is just a theory" , whatever explanation is given is just a theory.i can buy infinity + infinity = infinitybut not that3x10^8 + 2x10^8 = 3x10^8the explanation is absurd. what you call law of universe is in my opinion an assumption....but in ur opinion a strict law!i simply dont accept ur saying that law of universe wont let u run faster than light and make ur time slow.. blah blah... because in my opinion its not a law but assumption.a guy running towards you with a knife does not always mean that his intentions are to kill u. some consider that yes its a law that guy is coming to kill.. for me its assumption that guy is coming to kill you.so its difference in personal opinion, i stick to mine, you can stick to yours.
and btw @amish , they are really close to make a genetic knife which will be able to cure some very very severe diseases(genetic ones) which are not curable till now , one of them is muscular dystrophy......in which case a kid cannot run after age of six as his muscles keeps diluting itself and max till the age of 15-16 all his muscle gets diluted and death happens ,i lost my one nephew because of this disease few years back:-(( when they make that knife that will be a real BREAKTHROUGH.
for those who are asking me to prove things wrong.the thing is i am not against equations.. i am against assumption..i am saying assumption and equation has no relation.just like u r trying best to show me theories from ur side but i am failing to accept it... same way i have already put my side.... and u r failing to accept it.its as simple as that. i cant explain it more better.
for those who are asking me to prove things wrong.

the thing is i am not against equations.. i am against assumption..i am saying assumption and equation has no relation.

just like u r trying best to show me theories from ur side but i am failing to accept it... same way i have already put my side.... and u r failing to accept it.

its as simple as that. i cant explain it more better.
u dont know anything about science it seems , if assumptions were not done u would be not be in a world u know today, u would have been in a different world because science has to assume a lot of times and because of those assumption(based on some hard facts) some of the greatest discoveries and path breaking theories took birth and because of those theories u know the world the way it is today.

i too cant explain it any better.


the whole world will fall apart if there are no assumptions in all walks of life.
lol ok i know nothing about science! :)

for those who are asking me to prove things wrong.

the thing is i am not against equations.. i am against assumption..i am saying assumption and equation has no relation.

just like u r trying best to show me theories from ur side but i am failing to accept it... same way i have already put my side.... and u r failing to accept it.

its as simple as that. i cant explain it more better.

which assumption,what assumption,kahe ka assumption !who said u that there is a assumption regarding c and that it can never be broken.
It has been proved through equations that c can't be broken and if it is broken absurd results come out of the known phenomenon's of the world.

i hope now it is clear.
there is something amazing experiment done few years back, i have a copy of stephen hawkings new book , will share a part of it here soon.
there is something amazing experiment done few years back, i have a copy of stephen hawkings new book , will share a part of it here soon.
which expt? name plz...
lol ok i know nothing about science!

oh common u knw that i wasnt serious right????:laugh (2):

i knw nothing about science:unsure:


here it is............Double-slit experiment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

this experiment tells , how and why the world of quantum mechanics behave like it does(its quite different than normal world)and that at quantum levels an objects position,path,past ,future all are not precisely determined .


also that a quantum object travels in all possible direction towards from point A TO B (not in a straight line):laugh:
