International speeds

my ONT is in bridge mode. Is there a way I can check it without messing up my setup?
maybe if you have extra lan cable then u can connect it from ont to your pc then you can check it through the web ui?
@Aakash Malhotra all things being equal you should both get more or less similar speeds. But remember, the router model, IP address and routing for your neighbour's data could be different. Also ask them to check your router config and have it changed over to the exact same subnet that your neighbour is using and then compare. You can ask them to change your router model. I ain't letting go of my Nokia :) even when they offered to change it for 1 Gig speeds.

Uh ok...Tamatar ji got banned again. :oops:
I prefer the Nokia because it has hardware buttons to switch on/off wifi and the LEDS. It's in a bridge mode so the inherent model's wifi's passable.. doesn't really matter to me.

Tamatar ji is Netomato :) Hope the ban is not permanent.
LOL! Who told u that it affects only data that's routed to a certain gateway :D Your ONT's optical values are fine.
Exactly. It would affect the connection as a whole. Reason why I was trying to imply that me sharing my opitcal stats does nothing to help in this case.

Also, not sure whats so funny about it and to ''LOL'' about.
