IPv6 setup on your router behind JIO router

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@varkey @bhojv74

I finally managed to get this working!!!

Man oh man, I've been on this for almost 48 hours now..

In my pfSense router, I've LAN and WAN. And as like discussed above, JIO ISP only seem to hand out one /64 subnet. So DHCP6-PD won't work, like letting the LAN behind the firewall automatically get IP directly from ISP is impossible because of that.

I was always thinking of the bridged mode, as also mentioned before.. I was like heck with it.. and decided to test it out.

All I did was create a new bridge between LAN and WAN. After applying the changes.. voila! my LAN clients got IPv6 directly from the ISP via the JioFi router in bridged mode..

Now all my clients can access the internet via ipv6.

Talk about insanely small change, solving the entire problem o_O
Did you bridge the jiofi router or the pfsense router?

Bridged the LAN and Jiofi (WAN) network into an OPT2 interface inside pfSense firewall.

pfSense firewall is running inside a Proxmox VM in my laptop. LAN network is the gigabit port in my laptop, and the Jiofi is connected via USB.

Both LAN and Jiofi network interfaces are bridged to pfsense VM with interfaces vmbr0 and vmbr3.


I can also access the entire lan network and it's clients from the internet!!
But this sort of destroys the use of pfsense altogether right? If it's only acting as a bridge we can just use the jiofi directly.
@achaudhary997 Actually it does not.

Even tho I bridged the two networks together so that the LAN devices can get an IPv6 directly from ISP via Jiofi.

Still ALL the incoming packets from the internet are routed through the WAN interface in pfSense, so we can configure firewalls to block incoming traffic. The same also goes to outgoing LAN traffic, it still goes through the LAN interface.

So in-short, pfSense still acts as a firewall facing the internet for ipv6. All ipv6 traffic still goes through the pfSense firewall then passed to the internal LAN network.
Yeah but my ideal setup would be pfsense handling everything just cause of the sheer power and features it has. For me there is no point in putting a router like pfsense to bridge mode.
Only if jio was providing the delaged prefix properly.

@ShihabSoft I think thats a incorrect configuration, if you bridge two interfaces, it essentially becomes like a Layer 2 switch, does not really serve the purpose as far as security goes.
@bhojv74 What demerit would you think? Basically all the packets flow through the WAN interface to pfsense firewall. This seem to work in bridged mode as well.
Yeah but my ideal setup would be pfsense handling everything just cause of the sheer power and features it has. For me there is no point in putting a router like pfsense to bridge mode.
Only if jio was providing the delaged prefix properly.

That's a bummer yes.. but at least something along the route it works for me, until ISPs properly implement ipv6 I'd use this setup.

Also so far, all the devices are getting unique ipv6.. Have to wait and test if it's actually unique or if the ISP changes it randomly.
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