Is Tata Indicom Port Blocking?

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out here in mumbai even my utorrent says listen error! you should change the port. earlier in blore i had utorrent working flawlessly. has anyone found a solution to this?? has to be the connection as it works flawlessly on my reliance netconnect. i spoke to the tata engineer and he says that they don't block anything. most probably they have port forwarding disabled on the router.
okay heres how it goes, if you have a static ip. then your ports are not blocked if you dont have a static ip then your ports are blocked.therefore, if you have a prepaid connection, your ports are blocked as they dont have a static ip. IF you are on postpaid, you get a static ip, and your ports are open. Only way around this. PURCHASE a static ip, or so i am told
tata does not block ports, at least where I'm from.
Yep your correct. Am downloading Torrents with Tata connection. Please try Fashget as your download manager.
as i said, any prepaid account will have no static ip, therefore ports are blocked. if you are on postpaid and you have a global static ip AND your ports are blocked, check your firewall, antivirus, router or whatever else you can. As those ports are definitely open, well most of them anwyays. on prepaid, you can buy a static ip, in which case ports are again open.
Hi,I can't understand whts prepaid or static or dynamic ip has got to do with port blocking. If its an isp policy to block p2p then it has no importance of dynamic or static. P2P cannot be blocked as blocking a particular ports is illegal practice. All isp in the world just try to throttle p2p as it chokes the bandwidth. I tried canuseeme tool. It even showed blocked 443 ;). If 443 is blocked then no use using that isp's services :). 443 is secure http. I'd tested my emule is working but the speed of tata from last one month is extremely poor. Seeing a 4min song on youtube takes 30minutes.regardsneeraj kharbandanettlynx

You my friend have a long way to go to learn WHAT incoming connections are and what outgoing connections are.

If you connect to a server /website thats an outgoing connection. This thread is regarding incoming connection.

canuseeme is for incoming tests. not outgoing. if you can visit canuseeme, your outgoing is working fine.


I can't understand whts prepaid or static or dynamic ip has got to do with port blocking. If its an isp policy to block p2p then it has no importance of dynamic or static. P2P cannot be blocked as blocking a particular ports is illegal practice. All isp in the world just try to throttle p2p as it chokes the bandwidth. I tried canuseeme tool. It even showed blocked 443 ;). If 443 is blocked then no use using that isp's services :). 443 is secure http. I'd tested my emule is working but the speed of tata from last one month is extremely poor. Seeing a 4min song on youtube takes 30minutes.
neeraj kharbanda
I don't know how much I have to go into tcp/ip protocol even after 8 years into internetworking field. I'd tested voip on tata few months back it was working but I can't be sure as sometimes it use to connect and sometimes it doesn't. But it can't be sip blocking as it used to connect while i was using my client's (isp) demo account. Regarding canuseeme showing all port blocked is strange. If as per ur words it checks on the incoming new state then routers have firewall active and it will show all blocked. But I feel this should not be done. In general firwall world port blocking is done on the client side not on the internet. Traffic coming from client and going to internet cloud not the otherway.regardsnettlynx networks
I am not even getting into tcp/ip packets or fragments. Right now knowledge of a simple firewall would suffice.First off any connections made by you to the internet would be an outgoing connection.If you run a webserver for example and someone connected to you, that would be an incoming connection for you and an outgoing connection for the person visiting your webserver.SIP protocol is a bit different. It works on SIP headers which later opens UDP ports for the actual datagram. Also, if you are using a sip device, you are making an outgoing connection.I am not sure what you learned about "internetworking", but seriously the first thing you must learn is the difference between incoming and outgoing connections. It is the basis of any firewall even the simplest ones.
ok i don't know what is incoming and outgoing. Strangele I'd written a complete linux shell for managing firewalls. So maybe I don't know what is in interface or outinterface where a packet hits on the different chains of fw. Thanx for showing me the light.regardsnettlynx networks
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