Kapil Sibal aims to restrict freedom of speech on the internet!

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What could have been the factors which led Mr. Sibal to call the website owners rather than asking people to take legal recourse.

Legal Issues
The problem relating to online defamation is that there are issues relating to jurisdiction. There might be a case a person in another country is writing defamatory things about a person living in India. In such a case, even if you know who that person is, it is very difficult for you to take action against that person because Indian courts shall not have jurisdiction to try the person sitting and publishing online abuse to another person.

But nonetheless, even if they did divert, v still have ppl who r pretty much conscious of it & raise it at the right time.
Freedom of speech and Net neutrality in the hands of fathers of Orkut users

After sibals attention seeking act, now people who have no clue of technology are taking podiums to blabber stuff relating internet to real world. .. one guy says "blogs are saying news which are not reputable, so we need to regulate it.. " another guy says " time is changing and its time we need to bring laws as Internet today has become so uncontrollable. .someone needs to control and regulate it.. "... The discussion is full of weird analogy arising from purely of applying yesterdays ideology to a platform which is the future. ..

Even though their understanding will be squashed on a bigger debate, but remember, our country is mde up of people like these...


The Problem is he has opened a can of dirty worms. Now regional channels have started debating , Like i said in this self.post , People who simply really dont know anything about internet have started occupying the MSM and started comparing the real world and the virtual world and are trying to apply the laws of rel world with virtual one. The problem here is , those who dont understand the internet can easily come to a conclusion with lame analogies to support "Some Moderation Laws..."

One idiot even went to propose that " Anyone who wants to start a blog , should register with govt with , purpose of blog , content of blog ...etc "

Another one said " Blogs are full of unsupported news reports , so they need to be regulated .."
If this catches enough momentum , we might well see something of state like Saudi internet.
Many simply dont know the power of internet and they are playing to the tunes of govt which throughout the world want to control the internet as it is fast becoming a medium of exposing one truth after another and govts have no clue how to deal when it comes out to public. Govt is playing the child porno , religious sentiment card to gather momentum ... And they have already done pretty good job at it..
So, Now after open declaration they already have planned to " hook the crooks " of Internet .
Many Older generation dont understand what internet really is. They are trying to compare a old medium like newspaper , TV channels , to internet. The very nature of internet is the one which enables anyone in the world to express openly and freely of what they want to say. Just like MPAA/RIAA who are reluctant to change to the Age of technology , Many people compare internet to "another" medium and reluctant to accept the true freedom internet provides. It will be hard for them to grab the concept , particualarly when politicians create a fear with child porno , terrorist , religious sentiments. Child porno is already being eliminated from internet(literally speaking) , with anon coming out strongly against it and also releasing the details of such individuals. Terrorist with or without internet will try to achieve what they want to achieve. No internet censorship will save when you have police with old age pistols and lathi`s. As for religious sentiments , its also time , as one user on reddit said , "The fact that the govt. wants to protect peoples religious views is no different than a parent preventing others from telling his child "Santa Claus doesnt exist" .. I want to play a small game guys , I will say a sentence and post your response "Dont think of a red bull " .. what came first in your mind ? The more this govt tries to suppress it , curious ones (nearly everyone) , out of pure eagerness which is built right into every sane person , will make attempt to see what they really want to suppress. So eventually Govt itself is fueling these things when they are really alien to Ordinary net users.Also to be honest , I have very very rarely come across such non-sense. Also I dont know what kind of pages/community these people subscribe to get these updates or even search . Religious fanatic will not stop no matter how much censorship is in place to photoshop or create all kind of nonsense on other religion .These morons will not stop at anything. Will govt interfere with two women quarrel over a serial character on who is best ? Its high time Govt become neutral on these issues. Instead they should press on courts for speedy trial on real communal violence cases pending in courts. Orchestrating a communal violence on FB/twitter ? Dear govt , Internet users are far more resistance and very rational to ignore , report , squash these non-sense the very moment it comes up. So try suppressing the REAL SENSITIVE guys who will cry for anything and everything , since they cant face the truth.On few of the earlier reason I posted suggested by someone to censor- When someone takes a blog as source of news , then I think there is something really really wrong with these people. Even though there are many blogs with excellent resources and articles , finally its upto the reader to counter verify or even attempt the verify the validity of the article/news , whatever- What they dont realise is there is no simpler solution in cesnoring internet , its either china way or freeway. - People before blurting some non-sense , should have some basic knowledge and laws , tools already in place to report , take down contents which one may find inappropriate.

congress has a long long history of imposing curbs on freedom of speech etc starting with indira gandhi. it has become some kind of a family tradition for them !
Someone come to my place and kill me before a social network results in communal riots in India.
congress has a long long history of imposing curbs on freedom of speech etc starting with indira gandhi. it has become some kind of a family tradition for them !

So what’s the Government ( not only in India) afraid of ? It’s afraid of the unknown. Social Network is a game changer in the playing out of democracy, and the Government (and Governments all over the world) are caught unawares. All political parties, their elected representatives, whether they sit in opposition or in Government have spent their political lives based on a set of parameters they have come see as sacrosanct. Moral or immoral, those parameters are the only ones they understand. The world has changed beneath their feet.

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