More HD Channels in August Month

  • Thread starter Thread starter IndianMascot
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Hope, it is no longer than august. :D
To be Precise, Zee planning to launch on 15th August and definately they are Asli HD because upscaled already there in Dish Tru HD. It seems that I have purchased HDTV on right time ;)
May be They would discontinue some channels bcoz Zee TV is one of highly watched channel.

^^^^Buddy, we dont need to be that happy. Coz its Zee. So they will charge astronomical amounts for subscription to its HD services. That too, they will have it for only Dish TV to begin with, so that they can attract many people to buy Dish TV.And when they buy it, they will realise that Zee HD is available in few maximum packs only, which are again high priced.We all are very well acquainted with this nonsense named Zee.
I don't think so, bcoz Zee not only as dth provider but as a company needs to make profit and revenue. Untill and unless they open their HD channels to all dth providers, they won't be making profits which they need at any cost .
They will make money, but first they will try to push sales of Dish TV. Even Star did that - Star HD channels were there since such a long time, but were available only on TS. Very recently other providers got it. But still, Dish doesnt have it.Now we will see a reverse trend, coz Zee as a group is just nonsense. If Star did that, there r no doubts Zee will do that. They wud in fact go 2 steps ahead of that.
