MTNL Broadband is injecting ads on your computer pretending it's a feature

retweet all the tweets! they need to know that more people are annoyed by the ads :(
so... there is no image of injected ad in the first post of the thread. can anyone provide me with a good quality screenshot which i can add there?
Good enough?

For Mumbai, block these 2 IP addresses at router level. -> Serves actual ads you see on non https web pages.
-> Serves "You have crossed FUP" type ads.

For Delhi, block -> Serves actual ads you see on non https web pages.

That's it.
Fair enough. But that doesn't absolve MTNL of the BS they're pulling.

This thread (and others) do not exist to file workarounds for these issues. You are just enabling MTNL and BSNL to get away with it. Nothing more.
This full page advertisement (on mobile) which blocks page content is definitely ENOUGH proof to take MTNL/BSNL to court for obstructing the service which they are being paid for.

But well - who will do it?!
Man. I would have done it. I am in the process of filing a writ petition in P&H High Court regarding security gates in my sector. Though getting dad to do the same for an internet service provider would have been tough. But I would have done it. If I was on either of the two services.
