Root Canal

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ok, looks like its my turn for root canal, doc is suggesting root canal for 1 i read abt root canal on internet and at many place its written that it can cure tooth but u r inviting disease for future.after root canal surgery, that part (even if filled) can harbour bacterias. and since there is no blood circulation any more (because surgery kills the nerve) no antibiotics reach that canal. and its SAFEST heavan for bacterias.and being inside body, bacterias can just reach anywhere else in body.this sounds to be true to me. even few dentists have now, how to avoid this thing? is there any alternative?surgery scheduled tomorrow, i want to say NO to dentist, but i need valid reasons/alternatives :Ddentist says, if i dont do it then tooth will fall :Dbut even after paying 3000Rs for this surgery, if any disease occur then doctors will ask to drop that tooth anyway :D (thats what examples on internet say, drop the root canaled tooth and ur disease gets cured!)
think your post answers your question:since there is no blood circulation,bacterias(if any) can't reach anywherein the body,but remain static.for spread of bacteria,blood is the all medical surgeries,100% success is not guaranteed.if properly done,there is a success percentage of 94%(that means tooth will survive for 5+ years).BTW after the treatment root is sealed with an inert material gutta perchaand root canal sealer.this is done to prevent any leakage from the tooth to the bone and vice it's absolutely safe.p.s.i may be opinionated cos i am a dentist :evil:
Well what do u have to say abt this? Root Canals Pose Health Threat

And this says, try other means first, but my dentist didnt try anything at all. Ask Dr. Ellie: Avoid the Root Canal!

The guy in following URL has personal BAD experience and HE STRONGLY SAYS NO.
He even says that it wud be better to remove tooth then to do root canal, because it will complicate things heavily in life.
They all drip anaerobic bacteria into your system and work to wear out your immune system.
Dr. Huggins is doing a book covering research into what diseases are caused by what toxins coming from root canals

There are many more articles. Not just articles but many patients in many forum have also reported that they developed problem and finally the problem was gone only after tooth was removed.

Here is my history, instead of my problem decreasing it kept increasing.

1) 1 and half year back minor part of tooth (lower jaw, 2nd from back) came out, must abt 2-3mm in circumference.
2) This dentist said there is cavity in that tooth and the last one at back as well.
3) So she drilled both of them and filled it with silver thing. Last tooth had no problem but she drilled it too. The one which was partly broken she widening the hole and filled it.
4) After abt 2weeks, the tooth which was broken earlier, it broke by 1/4th
5) She was shocked that time and asked me, "what did u eat" :D
6) Then she drilled it more and filled it and put a CAP this time. (cap was not put the first time)

So then from 1 and half years it was ok.

1) 4-5 days back when i was eating outside, i got a small stone in food and unfortunately it came right in betwn the capped tooth and upper jaw.
2) I didnt feel hurt that time but from that night i started getting pain.
3) Within 2-3days pain increased a lot
4) I went to same dentist and WITHOUT SEEING anything she said, last time we didnt do root canal this time we might have to do it
5) Then she took x-ray and removed the CAP and asked me to come back after 2days.
6) After 2days, pain had gone almost completely. Only mild pain wud occur while eating.
7) When I met her, she hit the tooth with her handtool and it pained.
8) So she said, its paining when I hit so WE MUST DO ROOT CANAL.

Now I am not sure, what to do. I dont know if she checked it properly.

Isnt there any other method to remove infection?? Why just decide ROOT CANAL without trying anything else?

And is 3000Rs ok? Or its looting the money?

Doctor seems to be so much in hurry, she just says, if u dont do it then i am not responsible for tooth. She also says, if u dont do it in 2days and tooth's shape changes then I will have to get complete new CAP which will cost additional 3000Rs.

I just dont know if there is really problem? How come constant pain has gone after removing the CAP. It now pains ONLY IF I tap the tooth with finger but that too is mild and stays for abt 2-3 seconds.

Let us say I refuse to do ROOT CANAL? How long will tooth last? If pain has reduced, doesnt that mean that body is winning the fight against infection? And we shud wait for 5-7 more days atleast?
Mate .. why don't you go for a second opinion .. Visit some other renowned Doc .. and see what he has to say ..
yes i will but dentist told me abt root canal yesterday morning and today is sunday. so have to in mean time trying to find opinions of others.
Well what do u have to say abt this? Root Canals Pose Health Threat

as net is so vast,you'll find many arguments for and against almost
everything(especially medical problems).e.g.,there're studies which
say eating chocolates is good for health,do u really believe them?

And this says, try other means first, but my dentist didnt try anything at all. Ask Dr. Ellie: Avoid the Root Canal!

the case in point is of a person with a brown spot on his tooth.any sane
dr would advice the same thing.
in fact think of root canal as a last resort for saving tooth.certainly it's
not the first line of treatment in most cases.

The guy in following URL has personal BAD experience and HE STRONGLY SAYS NO.
He even says that it wud be better to remove tooth then to do root canal, because it will complicate things heavily in life.

Google Answers: root canal dental surgery

as i said success %age is 94%,atleast 6 outta every hundred people
will be having bad experiences.but believe me ,94% is much higher
when compared to other standard surgical procedures.

Isnt there any other method to remove infection?? Why just decide ROOT CANAL without trying anything else?

according to the history you've given,only other option would be extraction(taking the tooth out).

And is 3000Rs ok? Or its looting the money?

charges depend on various things.a friend of mine got the same treatment
done for 7500 bucks from breach candy hospital.

if you want to save money,u can always ask other docs about their charges

Doctor seems to be so much in hurry, she just says, if u dont do it then i am not responsible for tooth. She also says, if u dont do it in 2days and tooth's shape changes then I will have to get complete new CAP which will cost additional 3000Rs.

doc is right about the cap.after a period of time it 'll be pretty difficult
to fit in the same cap.

I just dont know if there is really problem? How come constant pain has gone after removing the CAP. It now pains ONLY IF I tap the tooth with finger but that too is mild and stays for abt 2-3 seconds.

the pain in a tooth occurs when there is an inflammation or infection
in the socket of since your cap has been removed tooth is not bearing any load as it's not in the contact with upper teeth.
but when u apply pressure,the same gets transmitted to the
underlying bone,causing pain and confirming infection.

Let us say I refuse to do ROOT CANAL? How long will tooth last? If pain has reduced, doesnt that mean that body is winning the fight against infection? And we shud wait for 5-7 more days atleast?

if you don't get the treatment done result can't be predicted.your tooth
may last for years,but you'll be unable to chew properly from that side
of the jaw.this will result in excessive usage of the other side,which
will be detrimental to the health of teeth on that side.
as i've already explained pain is reduced bcos of the removal of load
from the tooth.

Thanks a lot. It was very very informative.

Few last questions, if I do not do root canal, is there any chance that body will naturally try to cure infection?

Is there any harm if I wait for 25-30more days?

Since 1/3rd tooth is anyway broken, I think I can try some other means first b4 going for root canal. If I am somehow lucky then it gets cured else either root canal or extraction.
Few last questions, if I do not do root canal, is there any chance that body will naturally try to cure infection?

body will try to fight the infection with forming a wall like structure(of cells)
around the periphery of this will act as the first line of defense.
but sometimes if it gets breached due to some conditions which lower
immune efficiency(the power of body to fight infections),it can lead
to formation of pus followed by consequent swelling and pain.

also,there's a chance the wall will remain solid and never gets breached.
in this case,as the tooth is in a constant state of eruption(until it meets
it's counterpart),it will lead to lengthening of periodontal ligaments(these
act like shock absorbers and are present all round the root of the teeth)
and subsequently tooth will not be able to bear any load.

tooth structure is in a constant state of flux with the body through it's
blood supply.what root canal does is to break this connection to avoid
recurrence of infection.

but if a tooth is left as such,it will definitely be harboring bacterias,acting
as a reservoir for them which you were worried about in first place.

Is there any harm if I wait for 25-30more days?

if you wait for 25-30 days the present cap may be rendered useless.

Since 1/3rd tooth is anyway broken, I think I can try some other means first b4 going for root canal. If I am somehow lucky then it gets cured else either root canal or extraction.

there is no other mean to save your tooth according to the history you
have supplied.

as tooth is made of enamel which doesn't have any blood vessels,it
does not chances of your tooth getting cured are zilch,
unless you are baba ramdev :evil:

p.s. i've tried to tone down the medical lingo.feel free to ask if you
are unable to understand any term.
Thanks dantool

You are explaining it very very well.
Also thanks for lots of efforts you are putting to write everything.

I went to another dentist and he also recommended to do ROOT CANAL. But he said i can wait 8-10 days if I want to.

But let me ask/tell you something.

I have started ONE alternative therapy since last Friday. This therapy does not require any medicines or injection or touching tooth at all.

My pain is gone completely as of now. I tried to bite my own finger by putting it over that tooth. There is no pain. I even tried to chew roti on that side of jaw. There was no pain.

Yesterday doctor hit it with his mirror tool, it didnt pain either.

Only once or twice it pains very very mildly and goes in 4-5 seconds too.

Now does this mean that alternate therapy is working?

Is there a preliminary way that I myself can find out if infection is curing? Doctor just looked at tooth once (without xray) and say YES ROOT CANAL is required. Now what do they see that so instantly he came to know that its required?

Since I have 8-10days, I am just trying other ways before I finally go for root canal (if required then)

Also the cap is not on the tooth as of now, tooth is open. So does it cause in any risk? I clean tooth well immediately after eating.

Again thanks a lot for being for so helpful
