Seagate Hard Drives

  • Thread starter Thread starter Nishant
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When they say HDD has warranty of 1 year.. that means it shud last for 1 year...because i have paid for it. if it didnt last for 1 year that means they provided me with faulty HD at first.

and then refurbished one was also faulty...which didnt even last 3 months... that makes a strong case for providing 2 faulty drives which individually didnt even last 1year. infact technically refurbished one, failed twice in warranty period. its a proof that their drives are meant NOT to last long. if i have important data it cud be huge financial loss to me.

noone purchases a drive expecting that warranty is 1 year so it will NOT last more that 1 year. everyone expects drive to last atleast 3-4 years... whereas here none lasted more than 8-9 months... so it can make a strong case.

Don't take it on yourself, but let me tell you
Do you think you one can easily win a case against a Giant like Seagate, their warranty and EULA must be covering whatever one could think of,
The first step any manufacturer would defend themselves would be mis-handled, i mean physically.
Second power, and this list can be few pages long.

A individual user is nothing for such a large scale manufacturer, they are well tested and used by major data center across the world.
if one threatens them, they won't give it a damn, however as a good gesture such companies give you a brand new product in replacement to keep your cool.

you won't imagine how many Drives google swaps-in and out everyday, but i never found they fought with their providers, they both know the machines do have a life cycle and google replaces most of the drives in their D.C.'s for two reasons
failing or reaching their tested life span.

So instead of boiling your blood, wasting your productive time one should be fail-safe, not fight ready.

another example, one of my friend who's in final stage of some senior Cisco cert stored his important stuff on skydrive, and one fine day when he was on travel & needed it, it was all gone, he wrote to support but it was taking lot of time
after a week or two If i am not mistaken, his all data was replaced to his account, cause there was some backup issue at server end, however what matters here most is they did backed up the user backup, so i think no backup is complete
but having a back up which can be used to restore your work to as recent one is the point.
Even your online backup can just vanish, no one would ever give you 100% guarantee if you want 100%, be ready for huge investments and insurance.
Exactly...if i mishandled it or there was power problem.. then they shudnt give me first replacement itself.

2nd individual user may be nothing for them.. but many individual user wud become pain. and yes... when u sue OR push hard...they most likely give u replacement...that is my whole get back what u have paid for. and how can certified replacement drive fail (unless end user is lying and it was physical damage)

btw i do backup my data at 3 places... i dont think all 3 wud go down at same time. :D so virtually it is 100% backup guarantee. touch wood!
