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Sure, but it was a post in another forum that got me thinking...The post said if we just let gays be from the start, given they can't reproduce then they would have dissapeared long time back. The implication being had gay ppl not been forced to conform to society and have children that it would not have been passed on.But if you look at history, gays prolly, in this country were left pretty much to themselves. As is the same elsewhere before the advent of religous thinking that condemned it. Yet here they are today and very likely will be there tomorrow as well.There is nothing conclusive, as yet in science that shows it can be inherited or whether its even inherited in the first place. As far as science goes we do not understand why it even happens. We don't call it a disorder because enough evidence shows these ppl are very much normal in other aspects. The only difference being their sexual preference.Sexual prefernces are far too powerful to be driven by fads, they are involuntary compulsions. The goal of all life is to propagate itself and the mechanisms to do so are prolly defined fairly early on. Therefore that homosexuals do exist must imply it confers some sort of evolutionary advantage to the species. And if so maybe they have existed nearly as close to day one of the human species.
vebk so according to you in future lets say in the year 2200 women are babe like and have no problem to be raped so then its no longer moral to be raped out of the blue.blrp suppose same sex marriage is happening and gays kissing in the open as well as normal couples kissing and having kids dont you think it will destroy the social fabric of our culture which has been preserved for 5000 years?you guys basically want hedonism to the max.I bet you dont even believe in life after death.and one more thing i want to say about lawsthe US constitution openly supported slavery until Lincoln removed it.Before that it was the law and moral by every one.Even in a rule of law which provided such a despicable act known as slavery that rule of law must be guys are pushing too much.IT aint happening in USA nor it will happen in India cuz people in these 2 countries are religious and spritual. say that we want open rape and if female want it it would be legalized in EU cuz they are soulless beings.they dont believe in anything except when they die it is the end for them.I say to them then go to non existence cuz i am a spiritual being and i am spiritually immortal and i am judged by the universal laws.
blrp suppose same sex marriage is happening and gays kissing in the open as well as normal couples kissing and having kids dont you think it will destroy the social fabric of our culture which has been preserved for 5000 years?

Is this a serious question ?

you guys basically want hedonism to the max.I bet you dont even believe in life after death.

Can you clarify whether the 'pusuit of happiness' falls inside your defintion of hedonism ?

and one more thing i want to say about laws

the US constitution openly supported slavery until Lincoln removed it.Before that it was the law and moral by every one.

Even in a rule of law which provided such a despicable act known as slavery that rule of law must be removed.

I don't follow what you are saying here :huh:

you guys are pushing too much.IT aint happening in USA nor it will happen in India cuz people in these 2 countries are religious and spritual.

It has happened in a few states already in the US. So there is awareness. It will certainly take a long time before that happens here.

say that we want open rape and if female want it it would be legalized in EU cuz they are soulless beings.they dont believe in anything except when they die it is the end for them.I say to them then go to non existence cuz i am a spiritual being and i am spiritually immortal and i am judged by the universal laws.

What is open rape ?
you cannot understand this cuz it is more than material.
hedonism is not pursuit of happiness

hedonism=pleasure which is nothing but electrical impulses experienced by the brain.

about the slavery comment i said that before 1860's slavery was openly permitted in USA.It was natural as vebk says that if it i natural it should be legal.
Abraham Lincoln suspended the constitution and waged war on the confederate states to remove such a vile thing which was openly permitted.
when a law which openly permitted slavery no matter even if it is democratic or confirms to the rule of law that law must be abolished.

if you cannot understand this then i can understand cuz for you guys only thing all that there is material and physical.

I might not have the best grammer skills but i have wisdom.

btw open rape i meant one night stand or men F**** them even if they dont want to do at that time but like it nevertheless as the society has evolved to pure sex sex sex they want it and enjoy it.

this is your utopia but is not mine.
Tell you what instead of trying to answer how legalising gays will NOT destroy the family.

Why don't you list out in practical terms how it WILL destroy the family :)

Try to avoid vague terms.

btw open rape i meant one night stand or men F**** them even if they dont want to do at that time but like it nevertheless as the society has evolved to pure sex sex sex they want it and enjoy it.

Rape is rape, If its not consensual its rape. There is no justication for it.

Anyway, hang tight, i get the impression that the current rape laws are to be tightened further. This is also another important legislation in need of an overhaul.

It will be to the good of all.
forget it blrp you and i are water and support gay marriage,world govt,world currency\cental bank,rfid national id card and you call it freedom.I dont show all my cards but one day i will post the threads of the threads.anways keep on discussing guys.i still say it is an soul anomaly if you even believe in a as to do with reincarnation but scientists would never accept it.

btw open rape i meant one night stand or men F**** them even if they dont want to do at that time but like it nevertheless as the society has evolved to pure sex sex sex they want it and enjoy it.

heh, i think what you are trying to say is whether casual sex will increase due to this ruling ?

Casual sex isnt illegal between hetrosexuals above the age of consent which i understand to be at 16 years old, but for gays this ruling indicated it is 18 years old.

Before this ruling ppl were doing as they liked but hiding, now they will continue as usual but not be afraid to indicate they are gay.

This ruling will not make any difference to casual sex whatsoever. And frankly its isnt the state's business to get involved unless minors are involved.
no its not about casual sex its about your so called evolution of society where you say that one day gays would be able to have children marry and i gave the slavery eg as no matter how acceptable or natural it is even if it is the rule of law that law must be abolished.homosexual=anomaly
it has been cured via yoga,meditation.just switch on tv and watch what ramdev has to say.oh i forgot you dont even believe in yoga\meditation
