Section 377

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Its not important what i believe in, however what IS important is you STICK TO THE DAMN TOPIC!
lmao i posted something which was beyond your purview and you are getting angry.I have not even mentioned religion or even god.Bottom line is that It is an anomaly and can be cured.
The bottom line is that you don't know your head from your ass. You are a paranoid conspiracy theorist who doesn't trust anything in this world, but somehow can trust the words of a baba who comes on TV and who like many other babas seems to exploit the naive and innocent desire of people to find larger meaning in life for their own personal gains.

The bottom line is that the consensus of medical / psychiatric / behavioural / social scientists is that homosexuality / bisexuality is NOT a disorder or disease. To talk about curing it is like saying that you can cure people who want to live in nuclear families.

The bottom line is that you are a person who thinks a rape can be committed consensually and the definition of rape being non-consensual forcible intercourse eludes you.

The bottom line is that to say that something is unnatural and therefore abhorrent is a cowardly way out from saying you don't agree with it and like it, and therefore since your views are paramount in this world, that whole group of people should be exterminated. (Funny, reminds me of Hitler who thought jews were unnatural and inferior and needed to be exterminated).

The bottom line is that trying to teach a bigot to respect people other than himself is like trying to teach a caterpillar to solve binomial equations.
sorry vebk you wont be able to degenerate India.Take your family destruction hedonism to Europe.
gays=confused about sex
gays=bane to humanity

rageaddict you username states your behavior.THe fact is that you cant handle the truth you label me as one even though i started this thread.

HAHA i am enjoying it so much.your hate gives me more power.I am sorry i wont die when by body worship homosexuality and burn in non existence.

one more thing.Let me add this

In relation to rulers

Rulers will become unreasonable: they will levy taxes unfairly. Rulers will no longer see it as their duty to promote spirituality, or to protect their subjects: they will become a danger to the world. People will start migrating, seeking countries where wheat and barley form the staple food source.

In human relationships

Avarice and wrath will be common, men will openly display animosity towards each other. Ignorance of Dharma will occur. Lust will be viewed as being socially acceptable. People will have thoughts of murder for no justification, and they will see nothing wrong with that mind-set.

In Kali Yuga, five-six year old girls will get pregnant. The primary cause will be the social acceptance of sexual intercourse as being the central requirement of life. It is believed that sin will increase exponentially, whilst virtue will fade and cease to flourish. People will take vows only to break them soon after. People will become addicted to intoxicating drinks. Men will find their jobs stressful and will go to retreats to escape their work.

Gurus will no longer be respected and their students will attempt to injure them. Their teachings will be insulted and followers of Kama will wrest control of the mind from all human beings.

here you go ingorant peeps.
"Dr. Day said sex will be separated from marriage and reproduction ( i.e. "sexual liberation") to break up the family and reduce population. Abortion, divorce and homosexuality will be made socially acceptable.
Homosexuals will be given permission to act out. Everyone including the elderly will be encouraged to have sex. It will be brought out into the open. Anything goes." [The "Stonewall Riots" which unleashed the "gay rights" movement, took place three months later.] The ultimate goal is to have sex without reproduction. Reproduction without sex will occur in laboratories. Family size will be limited as in China.

It will be made more difficult for families to stay together. More women will work outside the home and more people will remain single. Sports instead of dolls will be promoted to girls so they will seek achievement instead of family. Girls will be taught they are the same as boys. "
wow, warthog, believe me or not, i was going to write abt Kaliyuga in this thread. but then i didnt, thinking that no1 here is going to care and laugh on it.

my opponents cant handle common sense or truth.I laugh at them and at the same time pity them.If only they opened and freed thier mind.Sadly there is no hope for them.They are and will be biological robots.
.IT aint happening in USA nor it will happen in India cuz people in these 2 countries are religious and spritual.

* In Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Iowa, same-sex marriage is legal and currently performed.
* In Vermont, same-sex marriages will begin on September 1, 2009.
* In Maine, same-sex marriages will begin on or around September 14, 2009, pending a possible people's veto.
* In New Hampshire, same-sex marriages will begin on January 1, 2010.
* In California, same-sex marriages were performed between June 16, 2008 and November 4, 2008. The marriages that were performed during this period are still recognized.
* In New York and Washington, D.C., same-sex marriages from other states are recognized but not performed.
blr-p, vebk, why are you trying to have a reasonable argumentwith warthog. he is a totally lost nut case who cannot be changed.You are wasting your energy talking to this troll.He is just yanking your chains and having fun arguing for thesake of arguing, we call these types trolls.
Agreed, unless warthog comes up with something reasonable i won't bother replying.warthog has made peace with the ruling, which is only about not illegal.but then we were asked about legalisation which is a much longer drawn out process.For sure this is where the game will play out to but when & how is very dependent on the country in question.
