Section 377

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a comedy gay movie seeing borat there is no way i am going to watch this and i doubt this movie will ever come here and if it comes here there will be anti gay riots.Indians go nuts about normal movies and i cant imagine what will happen if it is shown why the youtube embedd dosent work.I copy and paste the url and it does not embedd.What magic qualities you apply merlin admin and plz remove"death of the indian family from the title.
Some more "practical" challenges to the ruling :)

Pointless ripples in the Gay Bay
By Ingrid Albuquerque
Friday 17 July 2009

In a country that is already beset with so many problems, following the high court legalisation of homosexual rights and the matter now going before the Supreme Court, national attention and focus has returned to the gay debate.

It is a waste of time really; the conclusion will be the same — inconclusive! The moral majority and salty saints will continue to protest vehemently, and the demanding minority will only stamp and stomp with greater force as they knock down Delhi’s door in the cry for acceptance.

This time around, we would be wise to move beyond the debate. Let’s consider the very possible reality that once the law is nationally ‘de-criminalised’ and homosexuals and lesbians force their way into the mainstream, the next step will be the demand for acceptance of gay marriage and thereafter the very natural insistence on being permitted to adopt children and have a family.

Everyone, a gay writer insists, has the right to shape family forms that fits his or her needs. It is a popular misconception in India that the West easily accepted same-sex relationships, or agreed that same-sex-parent families can or should be created so readily.

The defining moment in British engagement with the issue was the passing of the controversial Section 28 of the Local Government Act of 1988, which outlawed support by local authorities for the ‘promotion of homosexuality’ and “the acceptability of homosexuality as a pretended family relationship”. A similar ‘touchstone moment’ in the United States was in 1996, when in the face of gay movements in different states, the Congress rushed into law the Defence of Marriage Act.

India is at the fork of the road now and has to determine whether it will ultimately succumb as the West did, or preserve its long-standing resistance to upsetting the traditional family cart.

Debating the issue can bring no new insight. Instead, let’s fast-forward our way into the future and visualise a scenario in which gay families become part of the mainstream family network and the impact this will have on society. Most of the research done on the pros and cons of gay parenting are methodically flawed because they are driven by political agendas instead of an objective search for truth.

Openly lesbian researchers will manipulate findings to portray homosexual parenting in positive light, whereas gay-bashing research will do what it can to show that children raised in homosexual households are doomed from the word go.

Where does it all lead to
To sincerely explore the subject instead of debating it every citizen could conduct a personal research to get answers to some common-sense questions:
* In a lesbian household, is a child to be raised by two moms, both to be called ‘mummy’ or will it be ‘Ratna mummy’ and ‘Nirmala mummy’? Likewise in the opposite, will a child have two daddies?

* How will that child describe the family in school essays and who will protect the student from the derision of other students?

*Often, the child of a pilot wants to be a pilot, a doctor’s child heads for medical school; [COLOR=\"Red\"]will the child adopted by a homosexual parent feel inclined to follow in the footsteps of the parental choice?[/COLOR]

* If children of same-sex-parents did make friends, would those friends feel comfortable visiting the household?

* Let us put aside the chief argument against gay adoption which is that homosexual relationships are often unstable and that most homosexuals are promiscuous. If gay marriages are legalised, will the Indian courts have to start a whole new system for gay divorces, property rights and custody fights?

* How will the passport office and other government and academic organisations deal with the chaos of re-creating application forms? Would they then read thus ‘Name of father’ and then ‘Name of mother other father?’

These questions are just the tip of the iceberg. It would not be a bad idea for high school and pre-university students to deal with the subject in class assignments, projects and surveys.

After all, they are the generation that will be impacted the most by the current laws being amended, re-drafted and debated. Moreover, their direct encounter with the truth will help them make their own wise choice should they ever reach dilemma’s turnpoint. has been repealed in the UK.

Three states (Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Iowa) currently allow same-sex marriage (with Vermont, Maine and New Hampshire having passed not-yet-implemented legislation to join that list), five states recognize some alternative form of same-sex union, twelve states ban any recognition of any form of same-sex unions including civil union, twenty-eight states have adopted amendments to their state constitution prohibiting same-sex marriage, and another twenty states have enacted statutory DOMAs.
i have no problem with decriminalising 377 but it should stop there only.IN USA the courts dare not take up same sex ruling as juducial activism is frowned upon since the founding fathers.Leave it up to the states and the people eg the people of carlifornia rejected same sex marriage in a proposition even though usa is a constitutional republic.btw blrp will you be watching bruno?:grin:
Exactly, all these complications just for a minuscule minority? Its going to be total chaos.

Why not let things be as it is? It may be reconsidered sometime in distant future when minuscule minority becomes some sort of reasonable minority.(i hope it never happens)
What kind of inane nonsense is this? The very foundation of our nation is based on the premise that no one should be left behind and everyone's rights and interests be protect, and everyone's growth be fostered regardless of whether there are in a miniscule minority. How would you like it if they criminalized blogging today? After all the number of people who blog would be a "miniscule minority" as compared to the total population of India. It would be a sad day if we start accepting the persecution of the minority on irrational and unreasonable grounds.

And it's not going to be total chaos - stop being dramatic. All this judgment has done is to prevent the police from harassing gay people. In fact it's more of a symbolic victory for gay supporters, because this move gives them a bit more dignity. And I think it would be a pathetic country to live in where we deny a life of dignity to a group of people simply because they are different from the norm.

Warthog, what would personally do you best is to go live abroad for a while. You can't just judge other cultures and countries on the basis of a spattering of youtube videos and other dubious websites. I know it's very easy to close your eyes to the rest of the world outside the internet, and judge the whole world from the comfortable confines of your armchair but that certainly isn't the way to learn more about the world.
btw blrp you support this
Pupils told: Sex every day keeps the GP away - Times Online

this is what evolution of society is?

OF course it does not mention which age grp, they just say pupils, hey a 6 yr old is a pupil too :)

Its 16 in the UK, better they get this sort of advice from the medical profession than their peers, what say ?

Just cause they say its good does not mean ppl are gonna get it as easily as you think :grin:
wow so you support this also.Man are you married?.the link i posted is not from a fringe site.
what is happening is the society is declining.YOu see it as evolution ,i see it as decay.
When you have children you will change your mind.


Parents rip school over gay storybook - The Boston Globe

''My son is only 7 years old," said Lexington parent Robin Wirthlin, who complained to the school system last month and will meet with the superintendent next week. ''By presenting this kind of issue at such a young age, they're trying to indoctrinate our children. They're intentionally presenting this as a norm, and it's not a value that our family supports."

you are supporting the end of family.
