Section 377

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bigotry or not ,homosexuals are unnatural.their normal way of justification includes looking upon animal homosexuality for justification.Homsex is the prime reason for the spreading STDs like it or not.Moreover ,Who said Homosexuals will not predate straights?it happens in Europe & US openly.Hypocrats!
forget it they have given thier will to darkness.I am sure they wouln't mind padeo's being legalised in 50-100 years.hell there is a paedo party in europe which wants padeo to be legalized.SICK FREAKS
first thing that will be decreased is adult age from 18 to 16. not now but attempts will start after abt 15-20 years.

It is already 16 for heteros in India.

I am sure they wouln't mind padeo's being legalised in 50-100 years.

No, i doubt this will ever happen as it would clash with the age of consent. And i don't see that dropping anytime soon. So even if a kid agrees to it they will not be within their legal rights to do so ;)

Just because kids agree to many things does not mean they are capable of making these decisons.
you are pure evil .YOu just indirectly said that you support it if the legislation for the age of consent is lowered.Say that you didn't mean it.
Poem I received as mail forward, related to topic here :)
चाहे मानसून लेट आया है
पर एहसास नया ये लाया है,
कानून में सुधार आया है
देश में अब बदलाव आया है|

लड़के को लड़की न खोजनी
ना लड़की को लड़का,
कोई भी मिल जाये चलेगा
बस भिडे प्रेम का टांका |

शायद अब किसी घर में
मूंछों वाली भाभी आएँगी,
कन्यायें कन्या को भी अब
जीजू जीजू बुलाएंगी|

उन्मुक्त गगन के नीचे केवल
अब जोड़े ना रास रचाएंगे,
बदला बदला होगा मंजर
लड़के जब लड़का पटायेंगे|

पुलिस के पास भी अब शायद
छेड़छाड़ के केसेज बढ़ जायेंगे ,
महिला महिला को छेड़ेगी
पुरुष पुरुष से छेड़े जायेंगे |

हर सिक्के के पहलू दो होते
कुछ सुधार तो आयेंगे,
ये नए बदलाव देश को
जनसँख्या विस्फोट से बचायेंगे|
Nice poem. I dont know if author was being sarcastic or not.

जनसँख्या विस्फोट से बचायेंगे|
^कैसे?गलत लिख दिया| I doubt.they will resort to science to get kids.moreover ,it is "technically" possible for lesbian couple to get pregnant with a girl child.recently ,there is a news about the experiments being positive.
शायद अब किसी घर में
मूंछों वाली भाभी आएँगी,
कन्यायें कन्या को भी अब
जीजू जीजू बुलाएंगी|

^So true.|
bigotry or not ,homosexuals are unnatural.their normal way of justification includes looking upon animal homosexuality for justification.
Homsex is the prime reason for the spreading STDs like it or not.Moreover ,Who said Homosexuals will not predate straights?it happens in Europe & US openly.


Against better judgment I am responding to your post, because it contains so much bullshit that it just wouldnt' be right to let it go.

[*] Homosexuals (and supporters) aren't the ones who make the animal kingdom argument. It's homophobes who used to (and to an extent the really out-of-date ones still do). Homophobes used to argue that it doesn't happen in animals and therefore it's unnatural. Not surprisingly, their argument shot down when it was seen that according to the scientific data already available, it does happen in the animal kingdom, just as sex for pleasure and masturbation does too.
[*] Homosexuals are not the "prime reason" for spread of AIDs. Unsafe sex mixed with promiscuity is the "prime reason" if any.
[*] "Who said Homosexuals will not predate straights?it happens in Europe & US openly." No it doesn't. Not only don't you have any basis of making such outlandish cases, but this claim clearly comes straight out of your ass. Of course all rapists are homosexuals right? You sir, are an idiot and a bigot.

When I said Homosexual Predators is valid for even in India.The Gay Psychos who predates Young Boy kids under 15 yrs old in Malappuram District of Kerala.Many north Eastern States-I have heard about.
Afghanistan Pakhtuns(Pathans) is where a gay society exists and men keeping and selling boys for sex!********* **** ***

Ya -here the sources you ...!:
Many countries have declared homosexuality legal. But would we repeal Section 377 ? No government would dare to say “yes”. There are a lot of social, religious and above all psychological problems that will crop up if the law is repealed. Let us watch closely our home state-Kerala.

A recent study done by the Malayala Manorama on the case of missing children divulged strange conclusions. It brought into light the activities of many sex rackets in the state, especially in the northern parts of Kerala. Their activities included kidnapping children below the age of fifteen and supplying them to clients. The children are drugged before indulging in sex. The children loose their mental rhythm and become drug addicts. Many of these children abducted in their early teens never reach their homes. In the process they transform into agents. This is the state when the law against homosexuality holds. Just imagine a condition if the law is repeated. It is unimaginable.
Kerala Tips Homosexuality and the section 377 of IPC

Now ,even a kid knows that Gays predates young and old menace!unnatural people!*** ** ** * *** * ****.most of the uneducated roadside ones are perverts and drug addicts more often.In Some cities ,it is said that don't even sit alone in predators are on the prowl.

In Afghanistan:
Afghanistan's Anti-Women Policies Aggravate Native Homosexual Lifestyles

In Europe:

