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Against better judgment I am responding to your post, because it contains so much bullshit that it just wouldnt' be right to let it go.

Praka's a known troll, always twisting an argument to get some attention as he is unable to value add so spouts some crap.

He invariably gets told where to go :)
oh yeah ,when cannot stand the reality ,brand as troll,great going!:D I pray BBF don't be a gay haven.
I would pray that you don't be an idiot, but I see you far supersede that already. For a person who equates homosexuality with pedophilia there can only be two conclusions - he's an idiot and / or he's just an attention craving hatemonger. You will be glad to know both apply to you. Your prize is that you get to wallow in your hate for the rest of your life.
just one suggestion. avoid getting 'too' personal with responses.

i prefer having open discussions like we are (were!?) having here...


i would seriously hate to close this thread or start banning/suspending/warning/blahblah members.
i would seriously hate to close this thread

That would be a pity just for one person and is pretty much what this guy ends up achieving with less able mods.

I've seen him get this result over numerous political threads on another site. His usual tactic is to squeeze religon in somewhere.

Modus operandi is to inject a highly annoying, illogical comment, the others jump in, thread closed as it happens so fast.

I found best way was to trip him up in the earlier stages and report anything that looks suspicious as he really kills the spirit of discussion.

Just look at the last few pages to see what i mean.

Opposing views are not a problem in this the politics section, however the manner in which they are expressed is.
i have no plans to close this thread. i am having fun seeing the arguments :wewin:

I have no "modus-operandi".:D but I hate it when someone turns personal abuse like some idiots does in some forums.most of the people who accuses sane thoughts are bigots.I would say this guy blr_p is particular about maligning me in this forum.I doubt his/her intentions.moreover ,which ever forums any thread I started ,it is showing the reality which these type of bigots cannot tolerate.this blr_p's modus operandi is ,he judges someone by the posts and he does his research to give a verdict.He/she seems to believe that He is in a higher moral position to judge which IMHO is a failure.Now like he does the personal comments in this thread ,He is having the loose morale to accuse ,malign the person whom he targetted.the guy is actually a troll who targets each of the one whose against his weird theories or theories which he supports.look at who started the verbal abuse in this thread alone -the homosexual bandwagon cannot can see that these people cannot tolerate the other ,these idiots were expecting homosexuality to be a some normal thing.:| the folly is opened.moreover mr.blr_p :you are no one to decide who I am.let your closet thoughts be with you .better you keep away from sane discussions.Trolls who hides in and spews venom-when I decided to show the reality and moral standards and criminal background of gays.Hypocrite!
I would say this guy blr_p is particular about maligning me in this forum.I doubt his/her intentions.moreover ,which ever forums any thread I started ,it is showing the reality which these type of bigots cannot tolerate.

Because many of the threads i participated in where shut down only based on a few words by yourself at the other site. All the intelligent discussion ended in threads that went on for weeks with only a post or more from you. It got to the point where no more political discussions were entertained which I thought was a cop-out.

Why should those that actively particpate be held hostage to the actions of a few ?

In this thread, you are not alone in your views yet only after you make a few points does it get heated up. This does not surprise me in the least as its the general pattern over at least a year or more I've observed with you.

So no, my comments are not empty accusations but based on bitter experiences and you can be pretty damn sure you will not succeed here.
Good riddance. Not tolerating bigots is not intolerance. And calling us bigots is equivalent of a "No, you're stupid" comeback = lame.

I am still open to hearing, considering and debating rational arguments (the key word being "rational") and not arguments based on hate, prejudice and misinformation.

I do apologize for being personal. Though, in the context of how insanely mind-numbingly bad the homophobic arguments are on this thread, I can live with it quite comfortably.
