Section 377

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wow, so you have right to THINK like this because baba is against ur thoughts. u can think of killing baba if he cant cure. but when some1 else doesnt like gay and say abt crushing gay ppl, u told them of being bigot and all sorts of nicknames/adjectives u cud think of.

Reference: [post]324577[/post]

PS: i am against killing/threatening anyone. be it baba or gay.

Why are you taking things so casually? Why don't you take things seriously? You should take yourself really really really really seriously. And you should always always always take's someone casual remarks made in jest totally literally.

And please please please get it in your head that there is a world of a difference between saying "I don't like gay people" and "gay people are an abhorrence are totally unnatural, and should be crushed and killed." The former is an opinion, the latter is bigotry.
Here comes another challenge to the ruling :)

If gay sex is legal, why not prostitution?

Manoj Mitta, TNN 11 July 2009, 01:51am IST

NEW DELHI: If gay sex can be permitted, then prostitution too \"deserves to be legalized\" since it could be as much \"a consensual act between two adults in a private place.\" Whether the petitioner was right or not in making such an argument while challenging the Delhi high court verdict before the Supreme Court, homosexuality and prostitution do have striking parallels in Indian law.

Since the judgment has decriminalized it, homosexuality now enjoys a legal position rather similar to that of prostitution. Neither is an offence in itself. In the case of both, an offence is committed only when certain conditions are violated. And at least two of those conditions are in common: that the sex should be between two mutually consenting adults and that it should in private.

One of the unintended consequences of the July 2 verdict is that it has reduced, if not eliminated, the scope for Section 377 IPC being used against gay clients of male prostitutes or gigolos. For, prior to the judgment, the police could have booked gay clients under Section 377 even if no offence was made out under the Immoral Traffic Prevention Act 1986 (PITA).

Gay clients are safer now because Section 377, which carries a maximum penalty of life sentence, cannot any longer be invoked unless the male prostitute is below 18 or the sex was not consensual. Male prostitution has received a boost from the ruling under which homosexuality per se is no more an \"unnatural offence\" under Section 377. Incidentally, the judgment comes on top of a concession already made to male prostitutes under PITA.

For the offence of seducing or soliciting a client for prostitution in a public place, PITA strangely imposes a higher penalty on women. While the penalty for the first offence in the case of women is imprisonment up to six months, the corresponding punishment for men does not extend beyond three months. As with his heterosexual counterpart, a gay visiting a brothel is liable to fall foul of PITA only if the prostitute turns out to be a minor or if he engages in sex within 200 meters of a public place (place of worship, educational institution, hostel, hospital, etc) or a notified area (which isdeclared to be \"prostitution-free\" by the state).

Thanks to the Section 377 verdict, gigolos catering to gay clients can come out in the open and access medical care to prevent or treat HIV/AIDS, which was the main reason cited by Naz Foundation for asking the high court to \"read down\" the 1860 provision against the wide-ranging offences described as \"carnal intercourse against the order of nature.\"
Homosexuality is such a dirty and degenerate phenomenon. People today accept homosexuality because they have lost their moral standards. They don't know how human beings should behave anymore. One doesn't need much thinking to understand that homosexuality is so unatural. Sex between male and a female has a function, to produce an offspring. When the penis penetrates the vagina, the purpose it to create an offspring. The function of the anus is not to be penetrated. Doesn't this show how unatural homosexuality is? If all of mankind would be homosexual, mankind would die out (not counting science).If the decline of mankinds moral standards continues to fall like it has done the last 100 years, within 20 years pedophilia will be accepted. Nowadays some pedophiles say they are sexually attracted to children, they are trying to rationalize their evil and demonic behavious. Do you think that should be allowed too? Should that kind of so called "love" be allowed to exist?
^well valid questions.moreover ,Homosexuals and other weird behavioured people tend to go with their emotion rather than thinking rationally-hence vehemently defending their weird behaviour.and some westernized city dwellers feels homosex is "cool"-supporting this weirdos.what the ..
Homosexuality is such a dirty and degenerate phenomenon. People today accept homosexuality because they have lost their moral standards. They don't know how human beings should behave anymore.

Well then arent Condoms immoral too since they hamper the process of creation of an offspring?


Homosexuals and other weird behavioured people tend to go with their emotion rather than thinking rationally-hence vehemently defending their weird behaviour.and some westernized city dwellers feels homosex is "cool"-supporting this weirdos.what the ..
Idiotic Bigots also tend to go with their emotions rather than facts hence opposing anything incomprehensible in their peanut sized brains . Illiterate Rural people feel homosex is "not cool" - supporting this bigots. what the .....

first thing that will be decreased is adult age from 18 to 16. not now but attempts will start after abt 15-20 years. but no point in saying anything. things are meant to go even worse in distant future.
Bigotry is such a dirty and degenerate phenomenon. People today accept bigotry because they have lost their minds. They don't know how human beings should behave anymore. One doesn't need much thinking to understand that bigotry is so despicable. The brain and the mouth have a function, to create rational thoughts and expression. When a thought penetrates the brain, the purpose it to create a rational thought. The function of the brain is not to be irrational and led astray by prejudice and hatred. Doesn't this show how unatural bigotry is? If all of mankind would be bigots, mankind would die out (not counting science).If the decline of mankinds moral standards continues to fall like it has done the last 100 years, within 20 years killing a whole group of poeple you don't like (genocide) will be accepted. Nowadays some bigots say that human behaviour can be classified as "natural" and "unnatural", they are trying to rationalize their evil and demonic behavious. Do you think that should be allowed too? Should that kind of "hatred" be allowed to exist?
first thing that will be decreased is adult age from 18 to 16. not now but attempts will start after abt 15-20 years. but no point in saying anything. things are meant to go even worse in distant future.

Our romanticism of the past is sooooo misplaced. Do you know that Shakespeare and Mozart were considered to be evil and totally degenerate? Do you know that Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi were considered to be evil by many people? Do you know that the blues and jazz were considered to be the devil's way of corrupting our youth? Yet somehow, these people and things today are revered.

Most people tend to think morality and ethics are a linear progression. They aren't. Morality (values) changes from:

[*]person to person
[*]place to place
[*]time to time
I am sure Mahatma Gandhi faced similar arguments such as the ones being made here when he fought against the institution of untouchability. Today, most of us, save a few closet bigots, recognize untouchability as an abhorrent value and as a social evil. I think in a few decades we'll consider homophobia to be the same.
