Section 377

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The BJP And Its 377 Problem

The BJP is now the party in power and it needs to traverse this long and winding road itself. Some members clearly hope that the court will do its job and make it unnecessary for the party to stick its neck out on the issue. When Tharoor introduced his bill, or tried to do so, the BJP’s Nishikant Dubey said he was opposing the bill not because of “any religion, Vedas or Puranas but because of the Supreme Court judgement.” That shows the BJP was happy to hide behind the court. Now the court has decided to step up to the issue, the BJP will have to decide what to do.

It could take the easy way out and say the matter is sub judice and it will abide by the decision of the highest court. That would be a lost opportunity for the BJP to project itself as a modern party with a difference but perhaps it would not be a bad thing for those trying to fight Section 377 to keep politics out of it.

Sometimes discretion is the better part of valour.
Italy Senate OKs civil unions, but LGBT groups are unhappy

Italy has a compromised outcome.

The legislation stops far short of authorizing gay marriage, which was passed last year in predominantly Catholic Ireland and was legalized as well across the United States. Last-minute changes removed references to "faithfulness" in the relationship lest it be construed as equivalent to marriage, which the Catholic Church insists is a lifelong union between a man and woman.

More painful for the LGBT community was Renzi's decision earlier in the week to scrap the provision allowing gays to adopt the biological children of their partners. It was sacrificed to ensure support within Renzi's own Democratic Party, and even then Renzi put the bill up to a confidence vote to ensure passage — a common tactic in Italian politics to ensure that the majority closes ranks.

Avvenire, the newspaper of the Italian bishops' conference, lamented in an editorial Thursday that Renzi had forced senators to choose between their consciences and the government.

"It would have been better to not so heavily condition the freedom of conscience of the senators who will vote (with a few announced exceptions) not because of their intimate conviction of the quality of the law but out of loyalty or not to a political judgment of Renzi's executive," Avvenire said.
he did nothing when congress was in power. but then i do not see arun jaitley doing this if congress comes back to power.
