Slut walk parade planned for New Delhi on June 25, 2011

  • Thread starter Thread starter warthog
  • Start date Start date
  • Replies Replies 36
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hey guys we all at ibf should be there on 25th to support d cause by cheering for the topless and most raunchy ones!!! atleast this we can do for the betterment of the i right guys???:thumbup (2):
You people disgust me. Plain and simple.The "Slut walk" is by way of telling slimy bottom feeders such as yourself that the way a woman dresses shouldn't have any bearing upon the fact that a woman's dignity is inviolate. That if a lower life form is or ever has been an eve-teaser or a rapist, the defense shouldn't be that the woman "was asking for it".As it stands, Delhi is the rape capital of the country. I'm not sure how many of you are from Delhi, but how'd you like it if someone you knew was raped?While I'm inclined to think that given your level of social awareness you'd break all contact with the "victim", the idea is, and always has been not to tolerate this kind of stuff.The topic reads "Death of the Indian women". One, I take issue with the grammar.Two, I take issue with the fact that anyone who needs to draw attention to anything of importance runs into this blank wall of "But we don't do it this way".Three, The Indian woman is an essay in strength and fortitude. She has endured for millennia, and will do so regardless. The least that you people can do is appreciate the fact that a woman brought you into this world. Loved you regardless of the way you looked. And made you into "this". Possibly her only failure. And anyone who doesn't think that she deserves security, the right to freedom of being and expression; can kiss my left nut.P.s. Yes, slut does mean all of that. But every "slut" has this choice about who she sleeps with. You don't get to interfere with that process.Also, dear warthog, ***** ***** much?How insecure do you have to be to get my posts deleted?Look up feminism in the dictionary. It's not "militant feminism". It's plain and simple empowerment for those people who do nearly everything under the shadow of the fact that some idiot decides the course of the present according to prevailing norms from a thousand years ago.Finally, I believe rapists should be castrated. Eve teasers should be paraded naked. And people with points of view so outdated should be kidney punched to set things right. Considering that is the only organ they seem to be using.
1+ mate , expect that i would go old testament on rapists and have them stoned , then dragged naked , then castrated , and child rapists simply thrown to dogs . the only worrying part about this event is that it is in delhi where these poor girls could actually be raped during the event .

Guys, lets show some Respect to a cause... Everyone has a right a demonstrate there protest! This might be a bold statement to you, but would any of you be discussing if they had protested in sarees?Why are only women called Sluts? Without men would they be one?? And do we have a male-equivalent word ? (and no Casanova is not it, we men feel proud of being called a Casanova)
So you presumed pretty much that we wouldn't be discussing the event if women were in sarees? I wonder why.Nobody in this thread is pronouncing them sluts, for your information no one is even forcing them to tag their protest as "Slut Parade".
They are actually protesting the word 'Slut' being used in the wrong sense! and the fact the word is being used so offensively...Can you provide me an example of such a thread where we are discussing a novel protest ?
Aye? Protesting the word 'Slut' O_o'

it's an opportunity to prove to the prudes that a woman's integrity is in her heart and not in what she wears. A woman should be able to do exactly what she wants to do to feel emancipated, it's her body, her choice."

Threads we are discussing for a novel protest? Just browse around the forums.
