Slut walk parade planned for New Delhi on June 25, 2011

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welcome to the forums @BasioMeusPuga, u will see more posts like this from dear warthog, pls dont mind , he will also will not mind when u teach him lessons like this, and i definitely wont mind that either.:Boy Hi 5:
Aye? Protesting the word 'Slut' O_o'

Women bear responsibility for their rapes? OK, anger at that notion is plenty righteous. So, the Toronto slut walk was born to demand respect for sexual-assault victims. But the idea that being a "slut" is a bad thing also raised ire -- it's why the Toronto organizers announced on their Web site that they were "tired of being oppressed by slut-shaming; of being judged by our sexuality. [We are] taking the [the word slut] back."

Read more: 'Slut Walk': feminist folly -

The point is not to judge people (ok women) based on the dress they wear? Unfortunately we seem to be missing the point and holding the dress here!
So, by using the word Slutwalk they will turn a word used to dehumanize them into a badge of pride. Action speaks louder than words, no matter what you are dressed like your conduct pretty much speaks for you.It's a human tendency to form an opinion about people to make their life easier than to do research on what and why a woman is wearing something. Not all people are obsessed with women all the time anyway.She is wearing shorts or kurtas, does that mean she is a bad person? Or she just can't tolerate 42 degree Celsius hot temperature? Or? OR?C'mon man, I see no point in debasing yourself as an act of women empowerment.Wear what you want to, why do you give a damn to what others think about you?This parade in which women will CLOTHE IN A DIFFERENT FASHION will change the treatment they are getting? Oh Well!
All for a good cause but this 'walk' will make no difference either way so I don't see what the fuss is all about.The uneducated, unemployed and sexually depraved are still going to do what they do.They do so in each and every country that they live in but since we have such a large population, the people who fall under that category are in much greater number.I'm not saying we just accept it how it is but we must ensure that the root causes are taken care of first.Improving the country's sex ratio would be a start. :P
This protest will surely raise the awareness and curiosity about the word "SLUT".Like in the movie Dev D, Whore ki haal hain?
She is wearing shorts or kurtas, does that mean she is a bad person? Or she just can't tolerate 42 degree Celsius hot temperature? Or? OR?
I think you have hit the nail on the head... Now imagine someone calling her a slut for that and someone here even mentioning about stoning them (bad joke ??)

This parade in which women will CLOTHE IN A DIFFERENT FASHION will change the treatment they are getting? Oh Well!
Unfortunately it may not... but they are making a point... And yes We are still in India.. We'll still have a lot of women in traditional Indian clothes turn-up for the event...

PS: I too don't agree to this Idea as is, atleast not India... But we need one such thing in Delhi sure.. Rememeber, Sheila Dixit making one such statement where she attributed a girl's rape to her dress and her behavior??? ) ...

I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.
- Voltaire

This protest will surely raise the awareness and curiosity about the word "SLUT".

Like in the movie Dev D, Whore ki haal hain?

Many would have not knw the word in English? Who are we kidding here, don't we use the word in Hindi or other languages...


Do you support freedom of expression or not ?

Whether you agree or not with what is expressed isn't important.

This is pure feminism.It has destroyed the family in the west and now there are bringing it here.
What a oxymoron word.They are showing that they have the right to dress what they want but name it slut walk yeah,and for all those who disagree read this:
Main question is do you support blocking this walk for whatever reason ?

patte girteh nahhi,hawa girati hai;
ladhke bigarthe nahi,ladhkeya bigarthi hai
Translate pls.
hell no but these bimbos must know that they are being used for feminism. I have no problem that they name this protest women rights but to name SLUTWALK!that its a oxymoron leaf does not fall,the wind makes it fall .boys dont get naughty,the girls make them
The marches are mostly organized by younger women who don’t apologize for their in-your-face tactics, making the events much more effective in garnering media attention and participant interest than the actions of well-established (and better funded) feminist organizations. And while not every feminist may agree with the messaging of Slut Walks, the protests have translated online enthusiasm into in-person action in a way that hasn’t been done before in feminism on this scale.

Column: Slut Walks and the future of feminism
BasioMeusPuga was right to come all guns blazing , this event is named slut walk for a reason cause also ' sluts' don't deserve to get raped and face humiliation by society , it is their choice to sleep with whom so ever they please , warthog care to dress up in a mini or hot pants and take walk in delhi late in night and bet you will be gang banged in 15 mins and 90 % ppl including coppers and politicians will say 'you asked for it' . how many cases do you read about where this happens , always looking at how a girl was dressed , how was her ' character' before the rape , the ****ing courts also look into , was she sexually promiscuous ?

what the hell all these things have got to do with a person being raped , ever talked to girl who is raped , do you know the trauma she goes through !! and to top it she has to face the humiliation of her so called' sluttish behavior ' in court where she is going for justice , how the **** is it right !! here we are having 'honor killings ' nearly every other day , step out 15th century mentality guys and girls [ if any are where ]

Now imagine someone calling her a slut for that and someone here even mentioning about stoning them (bad joke ??)

i was talking about rapists , but yeah i would slap the bejesus out of any guy and i have done that who calls any girls that in my presence.
