Speed Up?

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quite ambiguous topic heading right :)

well was beating my head against the wall
tatas giving me 2-3 k"B"ps speed [me on 64 KbPS so max download limit possible is 8KBPS]

we first i got to know win xp is a bad bad thing to connect with internet

it limits connection to 10 [max] :(

got a patch dont worry its safe frm lvllord's website but you need to run it in win xp safe mode
it will increase max connection to 50 default or as many as you like [theoretical limit 655565 ]

ok that done speed up [now speed 4 kBps unstAble wave pattern increasing then decreasing]

then more tinkering
cablenut tweaker and cablenut update files
shows all tcp\ip AKA internet settings
you have tons of default setting and you can change them manually too

speed now a stable 5KBPS
then tweaked nad tweaked got a max speed of 8.90 kbps

[[[[[[[[what you were hoping 4 a miracle get real you cant get a 1mbps connection tweaking a 64kbps}}}}}

then i thougth of some cool stuff like running an exotic operating system

found menuet os fits on a floppy and runs frm there too :)[ not for inexperience persons] menuet64 bit edition

then Argonne web100 based Network Diagnostic Tool (NDT)
Located at Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois U.S.A.; 1000 Mbps (Gigabit Ethernet) network connection http://miranda.ctd.anl.gov:7123/
to check detailedinfo of my speed

and yeah hoping to load linux

linux speed increasing stuff
Operating System RFC1191 Path MTU Discovery RFC1323 Support Default maximum socket buffer size Default TCP socket buffer size Default UDP socket buffer size Applications (if any) which are user tunable RFC2018 SACK Support
More info
FreeBSD Yes Yes 256kB 32kB 40kB None Yes
Linux 2.4 and 2.6 Yes Yes 64kB 32kB (see notes 32kB(?) None Yes
Mac OS X Yes Yes 256kB 32kB 42kB (receive) ftp (for a terminal shell) Yes!
as of 10.4.6
Sun Solaris 10 Yes Yes 1MB TCP, 256kB UDP 48kB 8kB Unknown Yes
Windows XP Yes Yes yes

bst one is freeBSD

anyway linux stuff here

here is a html file detailing what is the common problem and their remedy

a us gov funded project ,the page where
the patch is for increasing speed in linux
umm thats about it..
a few more suff reserved for later
good info. hope its just not copied right off somewhere!
system settings might be bottleneck if you have a good 10-20 MBps connection . But most of us has just 256 kbps i doubt all that settings help anyhow ..( I have done all that many times hoping i might get 100 mbps or 10 mbps on my 64k line :lol: but never got :P ) . I am bored of this small tweakings this has been posted so many times .. and it hardly has some effect .
oh yeah......12 hrs research .and the comment ppl say to you

5 29 ms 29 ms 27 ms
6 247 ms 247 ms 247 ms

can you see my bottleneck

do this on your comp
run->command->tracert www.yahoo.com
if you see triple digit latency you are in trouble mister
I cant traceroute sify blocked bit but i think around 240-250 ms latency is perfectly fine for sify ( i know 250 ms really suck but its sify and it wont give better ) . Whatever i do wont get better latency to US servers through sify . ping command shows latency too

ping yahoo.co.in (INdian server)

Pinging yahoo.co.in [] with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=8ms TTL=54
Reply from bytes=32 time=13ms TTL=54

ping google.com ( US server)

Pinging google.com [] with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=305ms TTL=231
Reply from bytes=32 time=303ms TTL=231

Still a traceroute showing latency till sify servers .. After this i dont know latency of servers ahead :(

Tracing route to www.yahoo-ht2.akadns.net []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

QUOTE(power @ Nov 23 2006, 01:09 AM) [snapback]69444[/snapback]
I cant traceroute sify blocked bit but i think around 240-250 ms latency is perfectly fine for sify ( i know 250 ms really suck but its sify and it wont give better ) . Whatever i do wont get better latency to US servers through sify . ping command shows latency too

ping yahoo.co.in (INdian server)

Pinging yahoo.co.in [] with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=8ms TTL=54
Reply from bytes=32 time=13ms TTL=54
ping google.com ( US server)

Pinging google.com [] with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=305ms TTL=231
Reply from bytes=32 time=303ms TTL=231
Still a traceroute showing latency till sify servers .. After this i dont know latency of servers ahead :(

Tracing route to www.yahoo-ht2.akadns.net []
over a maximum of 30 hops:


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