TP-Link Archer A6v3 OpenWRT Issues

Anyone successfully configured dualwan with one isp having ipv4 and ipv6 and other having only ipv4?
Come on telegram bro, Im in very need of it. Its raining heavily in my city and both the connections are going down.
Native IPv6 multi-homing is a lot of work, not really worth it for a residential connection.

Okay so I disabled Ipv6 from jio fiber ont, now its working only on ipv4. Will I feel difference in speeds and latency on ipv4 as compared to ipv6?
@nishantt6969 yes I have. I have static v4 on Airtel and CG-NAT v4 + public v6 on TPBB. Both feed into 1 router/firewall.
@Chip I dont totally understand these technical terms. But in my case when I try to do failover multiwan thing, some websites detect ipv4 from airtel where as some websites detect ipv6 from jio. Any fix?
@nishantt6969 some browsers are designed to default to v6 for e.g. chrome. With load balancing either WAN can be used. So yes, sometimes it will be v4 and sometimes v6. But seriously man, what is the problem you are trying to resolve?

In pfSense/OPNSense we give a weightage to each gateway which in turn determines which one to divert traffic to. This is determined by the ratio of WAN speeds. So for e.g. my Airtel is 300 and TPBB is 300 then it is 1:1. When I had upgraded to 1 Gig I had changed the ratio to 3:1. Similarly each gateway has to be separately configured for fallback/fall foward. That's why when a WAN goes down I don't even notice it as within a few seconds the switch is done. I need to frequently check pfSense to check if both WANs are working.

Anyway, to get that kind of control you will need to either update teh firmware to something like Open-WRT or similar dev OS firmware if your router is compatible OR upgrade the router to a microtik etc that gives you such granular low level settings out of the box. This depends on the model. After using pfSense there's no way I am going back to my Linksys, Asus TP-Link routers..they are now used as APs. :)

Honestly, if you are not familiar with or understand tech terms please leave well enough alone.
