Ubuntu 9.04 Released

  • Thread starter Thread starter DrSRQ
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that ntfs utility does that for you.

with wubi... the C: drive was already set up as HOST on root. rest were put in media.


btw. i am back to vista for the time being. major headache.
^Run a chkdsk on your wubi partition(C:\> ??) .
anyone remembers how to auto mount drives on startup and not show their icons on the desktop ? i forgot how to do it
gconftool-2 to probe the nautilus option.else install gui - gconf-editor .

@all : Ubuntu Jaunty jackelope will be available 2 days before itself.the thing is ,they are hideously "spreading" the iso to all mirrors.
So ?Search and find ;) .I will download the release iso day after tomorrow(hopefully!).
well the iso file i downloaded did not have any RC in it. it was just jaunty-desktop-amd64.iso


i thought this version was supposed to come with empathy instead of pidgin :P

i had to manually install empathy. it lacks tons of features that are available in pidgin. :p
firefox has always ended up looking like that for me in kde :P

i just install kde-desktop over ubuntu. that could be the problem i guess?

install a few packages with "qtcurve" in the name, its a good clean KDE theme... and firefox and other gnome apps look good with it too...
even on wubi, ubuntu boots on my system in around 30 seconds. to functional desktop!


now trying to get chromium on this thingy.


hah. not usable at all :P
Can i access Windows files from Linux os.:huh: Windows use NTFS which is not used by Linux. I not yet tried.:|

you can read and write on ntfs from linux. writing is not recommended but it works fine.
the "not recommended" part is no longer true :) latest versions of ntfs-3g are considered stable for writing too... i've been saving files (torrent downloads) to NTFS via jaunty for weeks now, all fine...
