Usage Flaws

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MTNL Triband DSL-599; kbps=210 down / 450 up
I had checked the 'usage' towards the end of June and this is what I found ... please see the attachment. View attachment 181One can notice that the eighth line is repeated and hence I feel I may be docked for about 14MB extra download. Note the totals do not add up also. In any case this is a software blip and as expected the helpdesk is not responding to my email. Has anyone experienced this ... care to share your observations? Subsequently, the modem-router failed and I had to exchange it for a new one ... that is another story ... put up elsewhere. Now I am unable to get any 'usage' info for the previous months either. This is rather strange. I have checked this every day for the past three days and find I am unable to access data for June. Comments?Best wishes.
well... even iv tried going through the usage details... on thing iv noted is that if i dl abt 300 mb at nite(thats abt 500 + 300 as 500 gets uploaded)... it only ads abt 130-150 mb.. which means that it does sum ratio stuff...sum dumb calculation .... not really got wat it does....
hi dere.. had t same prob for billing in mnth of may & June...i had been billed for data which i didnot d/l also this dual entry showed exactly the same start & end times... which means itsa clear software glitch..also i made the biggest mistake of not storing the usage page as t usage for the previous month is not accessible in the next..anyways i have registered a formal complaint to the accounts officer at t local tel. exchng... waitn 2 haer from dem..
Originally posted by powdermonkey@Jul 5 2005, 06:45 PM
where do u checked ur account info??

One has to visit: and logon with your phonecode and customer code (unless you have changed the username and password).
This is rather quick and you get a whole set of choices, all of which are slow.

The interesting ones are ...
the main page giving 'account info' which summarises your current status and balance available download for the current month, and
the 'check triband usage' which is the problem area.

Remember to log off and as some one says, try to save the page carefully for future fights with MTNL ... remember they are not internet savvy or anything savvy.

Now I want more responses ... this is all about 'money honey'.
Best wishes.
ADSL MB is the balance download you have left in MB's for the current month. MB Used is whatever is consumed since your account was initiated.
il keep you posted on wat my bill shows.... thers a def softwre glitch... i have also noted one thing.... my adsl reconnects automaticlly evey say 3-4 hrs.. so like at nite if i go frm 10-2, 2-6 n 6-10... then the 2-6 is not billed at all... but i hink they do a ratio of the other 2 n add it to the mb... cause iwud have trabsfered more than 10 gb(4 gb dl/6gb uplad).... n it show only 1.3 gb... n im sure i wudnt have exceeded 100 mb in the day time surfin so far
i hv dsl-nu account.i hv 500 mb limit per month.. i check my Account Summary

MB Used - 178
ADSL MB - 494
IP Address - 1
No of eligible E-mail Ids - 1

that means i used 178mb..but my adsl mb showing 494 what that means? how many mb left for me this month? plz some one explain me
