Utstarcom Bridge Mode Configuration And Automatic Router Reboot

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Member since 2005
Jio Fiber @ 150 Mbps
This post is in two parts. Part I deals with configuration of bridge mode on the UTstarcom UT-300R2U modem/router provided by MTNL

Part two contains instructions for automated router reboot for people using PPPoE/A mode on the same modem.


For configuring bridge mode -

1) Log into web interface of modem

2) Select Lan from left hand side options and disable DHCP server. Click save and reboot the modem from the reboot option. While the modem reboots, assign static IP to ur LAN card. You can do it in win xp by double clicking on the lan icon in the tray the selecting properties > TCP/IP>>Properties...use192.168.1.3 ; put the mask in as and Gateway as ; use the foll DNS - Primary ; secondary

3) When the modem comes back online, log in again into the web interface for the next part of the configuration.

4) Click on WAN from the options on left hand side

5) in the WAN setup click the edit button in the row which shows PPPoE enabled

6) ATM/ PVC configuration will pop up, let the settings as they are and click next

7) Now from the options that appear select bridging and change the encapsulation mode to "VC/Mux" click next

8) In the configuration screen that follows, make sure that the "enable bridge service option is
ticked..Give any service name or let it remain as it is. Click next

9)In the WAN setup summary click save.

10) Now the wide area network setup will appear click "save/reboot"..let the modem reboot.

The Bridge mode is ready as far as the modem is concerned. Now we need to configure the dialer in the operating system. For creating a dialer in windows XP just do the following.

Goto Network connections in Ctrl panel >> Create a new connection >> connect to the internet >> setup my connection manually >> connect using broadband connection that requires username & password >> Put in the ISP name ie MTNL >> put in ur username and password >> add a shrtcut (will make it easy to find after setting up the connex.)


UTstarcom modem running in the PPPoA/E mode can be rebooted in the same way as the D-Link DSL-502T ,with only small modifications needed to be made to the script.

For scheduling the reboot, follow the instructions in this post https://broadband.forum/mtnl-triband-broadband/1741-finally-trib-nu-solution/#post18114 given under the heading "schedule" .
IMP : Please do not use the script commands used in the post as they apply to Dlink DSL 502T
instead use the following i.e. copy and paste them into the reboot.txt that u will create 23
WAIT "Login"
SEND "admin\m" (enter your login ID here)
WAIT "Password"
SEND "admin\m" (enter your password here)
WAIT "->"
SEND "12\m"
WAIT "==>"
SEND "1\m"
WAIT "The system shell is being reset. Please wait..."

Rest of the instructions are common to both DSL 502T and UTstarcom so follow them.

Thats it, you should have a fully schedulable rebootable modem now.

DISCLAIMER : These settings work and i have tried them myself, however, iam no way responsible for any hardware failure or any other problem that you may encounter while making the changes to the settings..
Nice Job man
I've got the UT-300R modem.

The configuration for UT-300R is not similar at all. I currently have my modem setup for auto-dialling by following this guide: http://blog.taragana.com/wp-content/upload/bb7.swf

Can u tell me what I have to do to set up the bridged mode? My torrent speeds don't seem to be constant at all, never reaching the maximum.

I can't find options on my modem's web interface that is even remotely related to ur guide. Would appreciate some help. Thanx!

I succeded in implementing bridge mode as per ur instructions. However 2 difficulties :!) Not much increase in speed apart from 1-2Kbps, though DUMeter shows increased figures.2)If the line gets disconnected it does not reconnect automatically as it does in non-bridge mode even though the settings are set to redial if line is dropped. I have then to manually disconnect and reconnect via dialer after link is restored!Any solutionsThanx
who said that bridge mode increases the line speed? Its meant for ease of connectivity..particularly for NU users who need to connect and disconnect at specific times. Another benefit is that u dont need to do port forwarding for any application and u are assured of max speed over torrents.I have been using this mode for almost a year now and the windows dialer has always redialled whenever the connection has dropped..r u sure u have correctly configured the dialer by going into properties>>options ?keep the time between redial attempts at 3 secs..BTW if u are talking abt the adsl link with the exchange which goes dead then first u shld check as to why it goes dead..coz it shouldnt..at my place it hasn't happened even once since the time i have got the connection ie abt a year now.PPPoA/E mode might log u on in such a scenario but i'm afraid the bridge mode wont & u will manually have to reboot modem thru the on-off switch and then reconnect thru the dialer
