Yahoo! Mail Updates

Folks i have sent a bug report to Opera. With details how to re-create the bug and all. lets see what happens.
Yahoo customer support is totally pathetic. They'll simply not answer at all. and if they do, its a generic answer like "clear cache, wipe browser or even format pc!!"
Anyone facing problems accessing yahoo mail?

I have two accounts - one is and other

Both are not opening. (ICMP TTL exceeds)

I am on MTNL - Mumbai

UPDATE: Lots of people complaining on twitter!
Anyone using Yahoo Mail over MTNL Mumbai (or may be Delhi)??

Can you access this:

Is it working?

Today is 3rd day I noticed this. It works on hathway and tata network (friends confirmed)

So anyone using MTNL Mumbai OR Delhi confirm if it is opening?
