Airtel Introduces 1 Mbps and 2 Mbps unlimited plans

  • Thread starter Thread starter Amuthan
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  • Replies Replies 47
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Its just that they want to show that they are giving 1 and 2 Mbps unlimited connection, the price doesnt matter to them. Who knows some rich buggers might be getting those connections :(

This my friend is a very old news.... When 2007 was born everyone went dreaming that this would happen and finally are satisfied with 512k for Rs.1499/month!!

Well my friend i have been seeing people say for the last one year that 512 kbps unlimted for 1500 or less will be enough for them. Now that they have come out with it people are complaining again.

And everyone comapares the broadband speeds and rates with other Asian countries, we forget the number of people using computers and internet there compared to India. And biggest reason of them all is the goverment, we have the worst and most lamest government India has ever seen... A president who is never to be seen in the papers, his Boss Madam who still cant speak Hindi....i say bring back Dayanidhi Maran! He was the best IT and telecom minister that we could ask for, and he was kicked off for another lame ass minister who comes in the news once in 6 months with a lamer issue. :wall:
I neither want to get into debates not act as a DRAMA QUEEN. I also dont want to turn this into a verbal fight which you could have comfortably put it into, but still, here are some clarifications...

Firstly, I said there IS a difference between the two plans. Please read again. But for plan 3333, they are definetly dumb. Why advertise a plan when a same plan is available in less than half the price? Oops, just a mistake.

Secondly, If you think they can make mistakes, and advertise such plans, man, what should I say. Its just like saying something like "Auto rickshawallahs can demand any price, the thing is you should decide to take a ride or not". You are from Delhi, you can better understand what I am saying. Its just a difference of perspective. When you dont have alternatives, know that your are being looted, you are bound to be emotional. And it might doesnt affect your life, but it does affect mine. I am a programmer. I waste quite much time downloading big programs which I can download at faster speeds, but am not able to do so because of crappy download limits.

And I dont know how much experience you have about America (although sounds like you have all the experience in the world), but I will like to tell you that consumers have a much lot to say there as compared to India. They are much aware of their rights. Just a recent Example: Dell was being sued for forcing people to buy Vista instead of XP.

And its not being relative to a country. Its being how aware and awake are you. I dont know that you know it or not, but believe me, some people have not changed their mobile plans for years and still pay 4 rupees for outgoing local calls? Sounds funny right? Because Airtel never changed their plans even after withdrawing those plans from the market. When you are answerable to a million people, you are not allowed to make mistakes. What if you buy shares of a company and just because of a small mistake, the share price crumbles? Will you be so generous? You sure will be. You must not be emotional with this kinda s**t.

Its not about being smart bro. Its just about perspective. Airtel can do away with such things because we as a consumer dont bother about it. "Oh! let it pass, its just a mistake!!".

Its this attitude of ours that goons, killers and rapists become politicians, its this attitude of ours that loan recovery agents can force somebody to suicide, the list goes on and on.

Oh! I am acting like a drama queen again. lol.

Sorry if I sound rude, but this is the way I am. I didnt wanted it this way, and I know this will attract flames, but this is the last post I am making on this thread. Wake up!!
^ I assume that's aimed at me. Not sure why though, since I don't even know who you are, or read any of your posts.Since your reply was wholly mistaken and presents a rather incomplete understanding of almost everything you attempt to so passionately 'clarify', suffice it to say that my post was a general observation that more and more people on this forum are turning into whiny babies who want 50,000Mbps connections at Rs. 100 per month. (And please don't misconstrue this to be a personal attack on you).
Alrite... that I wanna oppose!! :mad: No one is asking "50,000 Mbps" for "Rs.100"!! Understand that buddy... What we (or I) ask is for 64/128/256/512/1024/2048 Kbps that we pay for... Being a senior member, you must have seen a lot of threads like network down, slow browsing, 64 Kbps speeds on a 256 Kbps line... Now that we need to fight for.... Get emotional about... and Yeah... I do agree with yjagota on some points... They were really good... I guess we need to fight back instead of being a pushover! ;) We have certain thresholds buddy... And I do understand ur point... but asking all of us to think the same way is quite impossible.... And that's why we got forums!! To Discuss!! :P Hope ur not mad @ me... ;)

I mean this in a very polite way: If you are not getting what you paid for, then call Customer care. They will fix it. As for network down - I am sure a few people can have a bad experience, but by far and large, most people I know (as well as people on this forum AFAIK) have had an excellent experience as regards uptime with Airtel. (My own connection has maybe dropped 2 or 3 times in the last 3+ years I have at them.... and from what some people report here about Sify / Reliance / Tata, that is the average for one week for some ISPs).

While we are at it, let me also point out another trend that is slightly disturbing - people who will start threads, or at least submit posts without having called Customer Care first!! If you are getting 64kbps speeds on a 256kbps line, they will fix it. All you have to do is to call them on a 3 digit number, and hold on for a little bit. How are they supposed to imagine you have a problem if you don't tell them about it?

Anyway, I am no Airtel fanboy, as unfortunately this thread must be making me out to be. My loyality to them exists while they give me good service at a (relatively) good price. I think they are doing that for me.

What I want to point out is the futility, or rather the naivety, of rhetoric like "Sweden gets 2Gbps connections for $2 a month - why doesn't Airtel wake up?" Airtel isn't in Sweden, neither are we. Airtel (and all other Indian ISPs) cannot price it's product according to costs and infrastructure in Sweden. They have to do so with regard to India. Are they making a profit on it? Sure, that is the point of a company.
If you are getting 64kbps speeds on a 256kbps line, they will fix it. All you have to do is to call them on a 3 digit number, and hold on for a little bit. How are they supposed to imagine you have a problem if you don't tell them about it?

um, what about getting 200kbps ona 256kbps line?? they dont fix that...coz they work on a "Best Effort Basis", and are not obligated to provide the speeds that they advertise

What I want to point out is the futility, or rather the naivety, of rhetoric like "Sweden gets 2Gbps connections for $2 a month - why doesn't Airtel wake up?" Airtel isn't in Sweden, neither are we. Airtel (and all other Indian ISPs) cannot price it's product according to costs and infrastructure in Sweden. They have to do so with regard to India. Are they making a profit on it? Sure, that is the point of a company.

the only thing is that Indian companies make a profit of 20 rupees per person from 100 people, while european/american/developed asian ISPs make a profit of 2 rupees per person from 10,000 people.

so its us who pay $500 for 8MBps, while others pay $50 for the same thing...

the only thing is that Indian companies make a profit of 20 rupees per person from 100 people, while european/american/developed asian ISPs make a profit of 2 rupees per person from 10,000 people.

umm ARPU in India is much lower compared to developed nations.
umm ARPU in India is much lower compared to developed nations.

i said profit, not revenue in my earlier post...profit% is in no way related to the revenue generated....

lower ARPU is obvious...coz we dont have the kind of plans that developed nations have...
i mean revenue will obviously be lower here as the plan speeds range from 64kbps to 512 kbps (generally), while developed countries have average somewhere in the range of 2Mbps.
I think the U in ARPU means Unit, which means Customer, not speeds. In other words, it's the average return per customer and not ARPkbps!!

And I really don't know which hole you pulled out your claim that profit margins are larger for ISPs here than in other countries.

OT: could you please please make your username shorter, as well as your signature. It really messes up the flow of the threads.
