BSNL Broadband: hey its about torrents

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Linux geek
hey guys can any one tell me that at what speed will u torrent get download this just an info how BSNL worK i am getting an speed of about 32 kbps (256kbps) My max speed is 256 kbps my plan is 256 unlimited what about u?
Same speed here...:)
i am on 500 nightunlimited 256Kbps-2 Mbps
i get a speed of about 190 KB/s download,42 KB/s upload at night,however i have not checked in the daytime..
i download/upload around 4-5 GBs in 6 hrs in night daily..

but DAP gives me around 220 KB/s at day time..

i think this is because my plan has the flexibility to reach 2mbps,,
i will suggest switch to 500 Nu if u r a heavy downloader,,
i bet u will download more than what u r now..

u can also check this website to improve ur speeds in torrent
Tutorial to Maximizing BitTorrent Speeds with uTorrent - Bootstrike.Com
Hey saurav_wow Just wanted to ask u , the speed of 190KBps that u r getting , is it for a torrent download, if so which BitTorrent client r u using? Also to get that speed how many seeds and how many peers on an average were u linked to while downloading (I am just curious) at 190KBps , and were u downloading 5-6GBs at 190KBps. Thnkx in advance.
Hey saurav_wow Just wanted to ask u , the speed of 190KBps that u r getting , is it for a torrent download, if so which BitTorrent client r u using? Also to get that speed how many seeds and how many peers on an average were u linked to while downloading (I am just curious) at 190KBps , and were u downloading 5-6GBs at 190KBps. Thnkx in advance.

I use Utorrent..the speed that i mentioned is not from a single torrent..its the combination of speeds of abt 4-5 torrents downloading at a time..

if u ask abt a single torrent,then the highest that i got was abt 75kBps in a movie many seeds/peers i was connected i didnt note,i will surely note it in future and tell u if i get that kind a any torrent..

the speed i mentioned(190kBps) was not constant,it was fluctuating in utorrent sometimes droping to 150kBps or to utilize the full bandwidth i had i run limewire side by side which also gives me around 200Kbps when run alone...but with limewire and utorrent running simultaneously
i get a divided speed ie (100KBpsapprox) each in both.fluctuating,when one drops,another rises..
so i was able to download arround 4.5 GB to 5.5 GB total(limewire+utorrent)
in 6 unlimited hrs....

hope it made everything clear..

Hi sourav_wow Thnxs for such a speedy reply I have been downloading a 6.05GB movie file(my first file using a torrent) only from 2-8 in the night and i can only download a max of 850MB during that time I do not have NAT problem as the smiley within 2-3 mins becomes green and stays that way Also have safe peer installed though Azureus 3.022 has inbulit IP filters which i have enabled too.I have been downloading only this one torrent since i didnt want to split my bandwith with any other downloads and was hoping to finish the 6GB file as fast as possible. But I only have 2-3 seeds and btwn 12-14 Peers always. My speed is mostly 30-40KBps sometimes goes upto 50-60KBps but i can only get 850MBs during the 6hours free time at night so i was not sure if there is anything i can do to increase the amount i download. Though if one goes to see within 2days and some hours(this is the total time i have used for downloading upto now the file that is in the night) i have downloaded 4.96GB Avaliability shows abt 5-9. Swarm Avg speed abt 30-40 but it fluctuates either way. Got Zonealarm Pro as well as Norton 2007 antivirus but for zonealarm i have configured the ports as well as for the router which is D-Link DSL 502T Got the latest java 1.6 update. DHT is enabled ,had enabled for a day encryption RC4 but on that day I got only 450MBs and hence was not sure if the speed reduced bcos of that so i disabled encryption again. My Share ratio at the moment is around 0.85 though in the beginning it was 1.5 and would be increasing once i finish the download. Upload speed at times i have kept at 42KBps at times at 22 or 32Kbps to regulate the share ratio. I have even kept the upload speed for sometime at unlimited hoping my download speed would go up but to no avail. So from ur experience m i downloading okay that is with 2-3 seeds, 12-14 peers, no NAT problems, is the speed of 30-40KBps or 50-60Kbps okay at the rate of 800Mbs in 6 hours or is there something i can do?? U know this is a bit ambigous answer to give but hoping for a reply from ur experience as i m downloadg for the first time. Hope this message has not become too boring to read , was only hoping to giv e all the details of my download to get to the bottom of my dilemma(if i m going wrong somewhere).
wow thats hell of a details.........

u r getting low speeds because there are not many seeders/peers for that particular file..
try downloading other torrents,see if the total speed increases..
but considering u r downloading a single torrent @30-40 kBps with not many seeds ,it is good speed u r getting..(only if u consider the single file.)..see the quote below
I use Utorrent..the speed that i mentioned is not from a single torrent..its the combination of speeds of abt 4-5 torrents downloading at a time..

if u ask abt a single torrent,then the highest that i got was abt 75kBps in a movie torrent...

i will recomend using is the best out there according to me...

visit this page and u will get all the details u want abt utorrent...
this is a direct browsing required...

Tutorial to Maximizing BitTorrent Speeds with uTorrent - Bootstrike.Com

as far as spliting bandwidth is concerned,u r wasting the remaining 100-120 kBps not downloading u r getting a top speed of 30-40 kBps in torrents anyhow..
so as long as torrent doesnt require more than 30-40kbps u can safely download otherstuff..including other torrents..
Thnkxs friend Have gone thru that site "Tutorial to Maximizing BitTorrent Speeds with uTorrent - Bootstrike.Com" yesterday and was searching a Tutorial like that for Azureus and couldn't find one. Anyhow in 2days time once i finish with this download with Azureus, i will try utorrent I will be trying a torrent which has alot many seeds and will test it with utorrent and Azureus to see the download speed and the amount of MBs over a time period. Just for comparison sake.
