Have we reached the limit of inventions in technology

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Ok sorry for vanishing for abt half day. Am back.

Abt time travel.. basic thing is time is not a thing or matter which u can speed up or slow down.

Time as 4th dimension is is for measurement and record purpose, it does not mean that u can go foreward or backward in that dimension.

Time comes from inifinity and goes to infinity. So when u say u can go in future or past...does it mean u can go beyond infinity in both direction?? Does not sound right?

Sameway, science says u cant go faster than light. Light is matter, I have no idea, even if say u can go equal or faster than light, how does that even make any relation to speed?

If you say ur speed is now 2*c meters per second.. but now what is your second?? Is your new second now actually half a second?

So overall, these are just hypothesis. There are claims but have unexplained counter claims as well.

@saarth: Abt time synchronization in space running out of sync. Can you send me link?
Here is link from my side: IEEE Xplore - One-Way Time Synchronization via Geostationary Satellites at UHF

It explains why time goes out of sync and why daily adjustments are needed

AS like any dimension u can go forward or backward in it. It happens all the time. To understand it you have to understand a small but complicated thing called Frame of reference. Yes going to past has been a little problematic but going to future is very easy. All u need is acceleration.

ok here comes the prove right from text books....

there is eqn of time dilation derived in special theory of relativity

here v is ur velocity, hence if u go to 2c the denominator turns negative and square root produces a complex root hence the y(contraction factor)
becomes absurd.

But if the value is less than c, any value like 0.01c to 0.99c, a real value comes up which is the time contraction factor. obviously when u approach c the factor tends to infinity and hence time freezes.

This is the very base of time travel theoretically. As said by @saarth satellite time sync problems occur because of this eqn. In simple words it is in future wrt to us.
Now a layman might say then if it is in future why it does not vanish? the answer is why would it vanish, it is just at another frame of reference wrt to us and has traversed less time than us.

By the way all of u are ending up trying to prove Einstein wrong !!


just got a stupid link of some stupid scientists....

The Big Question: Is time travel possible, and is there any chance that it will ever take place? - Science, News - The Independent

some stupid excerpts.....

"Time travel into the future is absolutely possible, in fact time passes at a different rate in orbit than it does on the ground, and this has to be taken into consideration in order for satellite navigation systems to work. But time travel into the past, although technically allowed in Einstein's theory, will in the opinion of most physicists be ruled out when, and if, we develop a better understanding of the fundamental laws of physics – and that's what the LHC is all about.
No 1 wants to prove him wrong. We are just telling that what u people have learnt, is just good in books! Practically, u tell me what can u do if u want to travel at that 99.999999% speed of light? Forget urself, if u want to make some meaningful use - may be transporting some object from 1 place to another at speed of light.......I am a fan of the theory of relativity, atleast the general one is observed time & again. I even like to know about the topic of Time Travel. But how much practicality is attached to it?? This thread is basically about practical breakthroughs that can help mankind.If someone can achieve it, its well & good - we can list it out in this thread as a breakthru by Man......but can it be done? Ok, u may still find someone being able to send an atom to future in time to come........but i think theres a very thin line distinguishing Man from atoms!!
See I am no scientist or so... but E=mc2 is an assumption which currently best fits all the calculation. And hence it is considered to be true.Now nothing can go faster than light is just an assumption because humans have not seen anything faster.There is no proof how Einstein arrived at this equation. Equation suits, but I still cant figure out what was need to postulate that nothing can go faster?Tomorrow even if something faster than light is found. It does not mean that equation becomes wrong. Just that, that separate postulate becomes wrong. But energy mass conversion equation E=mc2 still may be valid because c is still the same constant, i.e. speed of light has not changed.Anyway, I have got the answer. You can call it my belief, I dont mind. But I think in my life I am not going to see anymore breakthroughs.
No 1 wants to prove him wrong. We are just telling that what u people have learnt, is just good in books! Practically, u tell me what can u do if u want to travel at that 99.999999% speed of light? Forget urself, if u want to make some meaningful use - may be transporting some object from 1 place to another at speed of light.......
I am a fan of the theory of relativity, atleast the general one is observed time & again. I even like to know about the topic of Time Travel. But how much practicality is attached to it?? This thread is basically about practical breakthroughs that can help mankind.

If someone can achieve it, its well & good - we can list it out in this thread as a breakthru by Man......but can it be done? Ok, u may still find someone being able to send an atom to future in time to come........but i think theres a very thin line distinguishing Man from atoms!!

well speed is not a factor, one day anything like 0.1c to 0.99c will be possible. It is a normal progression. we all started with foot/bullock carts and now the fastest objects have reached speeds of tens of km/sec. that's has been a lot of improvement and hence going near c is not that distant dream.

about practically i have said that earlier too, u need theoretical base for practical stuff(at least to prove such a thing is possible). one cant see atoms/electrons bcoz it is theoretically proved that no matter what tech.u have u can't see them(hisenberg's principle).

just bcoz we have not been able to do it doesn't mean it could never be.


See I am no scientist or so... but E=mc2 is an assumption which currently best fits all the calculation. And hence it is considered to be true.

Now nothing can go faster than light is just an assumption because humans have not seen anything faster.

There is no proof how Einstein arrived at this equation. Equation suits, but I still cant figure out what was need to postulate that nothing can go faster?

Tomorrow even if something faster than light is found. It does not mean that equation becomes wrong. Just that, that separate postulate becomes wrong. But energy mass conversion equation E=mc2 still may be valid because c is still the same constant, i.e. speed of light has not changed.

Anyway, I have got the answer. You can call it my belief, I dont mind. But I think in my life I am not going to see anymore breakthroughs.

unfortunately, the things said by einstien is true and sort of written forever.
c can't be traversed......nor E=mc2 proved wrong.

If ones proves that wrong one will have to change fundamental laws of physics. even things which electro-magnetism and electricity will have to under go change. perhaps we will also have to change newtons and amperes law for that which a layman will think has no relation with all this. all are interconnected(domino effect).

the only thing which can occur is enhancement, may be a theory can come to explain the unexplained but this c and mc2 stuff will always be its subset.
As I said, I am not changing E=mc2... i am just saying that other postulate that nothing can be faster than light may prove wrong one day.But since fundamental equation E=mc2 will remain same so it wont prove any other calculations wrong.
Advancing from foot/bullock carts to 10s km/sec is relatively, when u compare it to advancing from 10s km/sec to c........Theres simple comparison from Cricket itself.......Earlier normal run rates in ODIs were 2.5-3rpo. Today that has increased to around 6-6.5. So does that mean some day we will achieve the maximum 36 rpo?? U think u will see 1800 runs scored in an innings??Theoretically - yes it is proved. U can get to that mark. U might do that in PC/Console Games playing at lower difficulty levels, but can it happen practically??Btw, what amish mentioned is worth thinking......right now we dont know anything thats faster than light. But there can be a thing existing!! On what basis can we assume that theres nothing faster than light?

Good example.


Btw, what amish mentioned is worth thinking......right now we dont know anything thats faster than light. But there can be a thing existing!! On what basis can we assume that theres nothing faster than light?

Current science is making same mistake as our ancestors made.

Ancestors never saw a plane or telephone. So anyone talking abt them they wud laugh.

There is another thing I keep thinking abt:

Currently scientist assume that absence of water or oxygen on a planet means no life!!! Why do they assume that? Why cant there be a life which lives on say acid and hydrogen? There body might infact die in water or oxygen?! Isnt is worth thinking too?
Maybe yes. But are they actually ruling out life where water or oxygen doesnt exist? I havent watched these type of shows since quite a few years now, so have forgotten what i had seen before....:D
Yes even I havent seen shows off late. I mostly read online but that too has almost become nil (may be because its almost same news, that new planet found NO LIFE!).But few years back I did have above question of putting oxygen and water as criteria.
