Have we reached the limit of inventions in technology

  • Thread starter Thread starter amish
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@Amish u are wrong wen u say we need to go faster than light to time travel in future (I Donno from where u got the info can u show me the source?), wen one travels at near the speed of light (in a train for example) wen 99.99 % of the speed of light is reached time within the train slows down to not to let that happen because nothing can go beyond the the speed of light (law of relativity) and that's wen time slows inside the train and outside time remains and works at normal pace and suppose u spend entire year in that train and when train stops than for the ppl inside only one year is passed but for the ppl outside more time is passed (dont remember ratio )as simple as that .........so its the time travel in future......its possible and happens all the time near heavier structures as well for example black holes mountain, pyramid . If we go near mountains. Time slows near heavy bodies too, in not measurable length ofcourse.......
Best example of time slowing down is so easy and so near that ,Do u know that the GPS satellites above earth travelling at some thousands kilometer per hour also have very very accurate clocks which needs to be adjusted EVERY 24 hours because their time changes some micro seconds just because the speed at which they are traveling makes their time change??? And if their time is not adjusted every 24 hours it will show ur destinations hundreds of kilometeres away.............
This example and posts above are for @jaymin. Also.....who was asking how to slow time........
Looks like that......but roles have reversed. Here, i am saying "Throw proofs at me".........coz i cant believe something until i have seen it happening!! Just like it was being said in that thread!!

Wah wah jaymin, jab hamne manga proof tab unproven Scriptures padhwa diye, ab khud chahiye. To dekhke manenge. Wah.,.........lolz
Ok, so make me a train that travels at the speed of light!! Or even make anything u want, that travels at the speed of light!! And still will that take me to the years that have passed?? The example u gave will take me from 2011 to 2012, while taking the world from 2011 to some other year.......leading to future travel.
What if i want to travel back to say 1999 or 2000s???


U can post all sort of confusing stuff & claim that its the proof......but the core question is still remaining. And still as u said we can travel in future.......will that mean there will be 2 instances of me? Or that many years people around me, will think that i have vanished or something??


And if scriptures are unproven, then this proof u have given isnt strong enough!!
Personally..... Teleporting looks remote .. but the possibility exists that we might be able to project/teleport a virtual self... who can be present at meetings far away , can meet relatives, whom we can see from its eyes , while we are physically at home. Something like surrogates movie , where a digital projected image/device can scan the image in front & relay back to us , and display (speak) back our responses.. But then again people may argue its an enhancement

It already exists. Avaya already had started this facility. Need to check google for details. ;)
Ok sorry for vanishing for abt half day. Am back.

Abt time travel.. basic thing is time is not a thing or matter which u can speed up or slow down.

Time as 4th dimension is is for measurement and record purpose, it does not mean that u can go foreward or backward in that dimension.

Time comes from inifinity and goes to infinity. So when u say u can go in future or past...does it mean u can go beyond infinity in both direction?? Does not sound right?

Sameway, science says u cant go faster than light. Light is matter, I have no idea, even if say u can go equal or faster than light, how does that even make any relation to speed?

If you say ur speed is now 2*c meters per second.. but now what is your second?? Is your new second now actually half a second?

So overall, these are just hypothesis. There are claims but have unexplained counter claims as well.

@saarth: Abt time synchronization in space running out of sync. Can you send me link?
Here is link from my side: IEEE Xplore - One-Way Time Synchronization via Geostationary Satellites at UHF

It explains why time goes out of sync and why daily adjustments are needed
uhmmm,.. welll..
time is the 4th dimension of space in every possible way just as up, down, right left , front and back are. (spatial dimensions)
this is what has been stated in special (in think) relativity.

also the loss of synchronization i was referring to was in Hefele Keating experiment or famously known as two clocks experiment, not geo synchrous satellites.

also u can only go as fast as 99.9999999% of c, thats about how fast we have been able to accelerate electrons. so 2*c speeds are impossible.
as u approach the "c" velocity, time slows down for u, this happens because the universe doesnt want you u to go any faster, any further attempts by you to accelerate will slow down time, and at c time is supposed to stop completely.
Time Travel to the Future is possible(you need high velocity or a nearby object with extremely large mass to slow down time for yourself) and has concrete proof to back it up i.e. the astronauts who have been to space are pico-seconds younger than us which is measured by extremely accurate watches on the rockets and space shuttles. Also someone earlier mentioned that GPS satellites have to be caliberated every 24 hours because of their high speed. Though the 24 hour calibration part is not true, they have special clocks which tick at a different rate as the engineers have taken into account relativity.

Time Travel to the Past is not possible as it requires that you need to go faster than the speed of light which isn't possible because when you travel at high velocity your mass increases. It becomes closer to infinity as you approach the speed of light and accelerating an object with infinite mass will require infinite energy. There have been theories like warp drive and wormholes which say that time travel into the past is possible but they require negative mass and negative energy to function both of which have not been proven to exist in the universe.

Teleportation is possible but it will never be practical for large objects because of a number of reasons. the most prominent reason is E=MC^2. I weigh 65kg and if my mass had to be converted to energy it would be enough to blow up the whole of mumbai and the surrounding regions. We are not even close to developing technologies capable of handling such amounts of energy and probably never will.

Invisibility is very much possible and has already been achieved for Microwaves and radiowaves i.e these waves can be bent around an object such that it will look invisible to the observer. This has been done using metamaterials which have a negative refractive index. As visible light has a very small wavelength... it will require mastering nanotechnology in order to make objects invisible them. There are many other methods to achieve invisibility like camouflage among others too.
