Have we reached the limit of inventions in technology

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Time travel as u mentioned is a trick only. U claim ur virtual self going back & forth in time. Do u go virtually in airplanes?? Do u have virtual Light bulbs or telephones? Dont talk of illusions. Talk actual things.And then if that is the definition of invisibility, then i will just have to put a cloth on myself that covers my whole body & i will become invisible!!@ mukul....First u talk of some way & then u say its practically impossible. So whats the use of it??
looks like a heated discussions....well looks like people have really gone a little off topic and are discussing about whether certain things are possible or not based on their beliefs.and here lies the problem. things like time travel, invisibility, teleportation may look abnormal or impossible but they are possible.how?.. in the scientific world, in equations, in theories, in hypotheses. All my life in all my studies it has been taught to believe on science and not on instincts.I agree this may be difficult... even after coming from a technical background i had hard time time accepting things like theory of relativity.i thought how can light bend or time dilate but it happens and it was proved by solving equations/subjects we once had. Though as i was in technical education i didn't get much taste of boring theories and bsc/msc stuff but whatever i got was enough to clear my mind.artificial intelligence, travelling at 'near' speed of light hence going to past,future ;teleportation.....everything is possible. If not practically then on paper. It is just that people have not found a way to practicals such theories.
Just coz light can be bent, how can u expect urslef to vanish from ur current location & pop out at any of ur desired location??And when u talk of time travel, u shud talk of "Physical" travel & not Virtual as Saarth was mentioning. U shud be able to interact to whichever time u go.
Just coz light can be bent, how can u expect urslef to vanish from ur current location & pop out at any of ur desired location??

And when u talk of time travel, u shud talk of "Physical" travel & not Virtual as Saarth was mentioning. U shud be able to interact to whichever time u go.

well again u all are really going against the science again.

coming to your ques. ,all my knowledge gathered wiki/disc etc. i know that any one who travels at a certain speed goes into time travel(future). the only true space/time travellers are astronaut(s) [forgot the name] who have been on space for months in space stations rotating at thousands of km per hour. The highest record till now is of 0.2 milli/micro(forgot again) seconds. The person stayed on for 6 months.
interesting topic, but we have not reached the end of innovation in fact we are just starting. what you guys are talking about is meta physics or fringe science , in fact many of theses things are possible , are brain have just not evolved yet to that stage, science is also evolving and evolving very fast, look at one field which is cellular tech over the last 5 years it has leaped froged so much that it is now becoming hard to keep up with it, another interesting and already in process is 3d printing , this thing will change the very way we live !! teleportation and time travel are very tricky questions and not someone without a real understanding of the subject can answer them , but from reading on topic from respected scientists they look very much possible. 3d holographic image meetings like one poster has suggested on last page have alaredy been developed and being worked upon. many new tech are ready , an have been ready for some time infact years but the problem which any tech faces when it comes into market is that it replaces the old one. as did cars with horse carriages etc.. , the industries and corporations behind power and energy the 2 things every human depends on have been blocking alternative means of power, or even free power and fuel, look into a docu called 'who killed the electric car' it answers it a lot questions. same goes for power ppl as late early 20th century were close on giving free or cheap power ' ref to Nikola Tesla works and still pending works in cold fusion. so yes we will see changes , humans too evolve but not anytime soon, one part of history has to die before another begins.
@saarth: u say teleport of small object has started? can u tell me where and who did it? dont talk abt quantum level teleport. if u can show me that someone teleported even a bacteria i wud believe in teleport!

@ devx......So does that mean that i can go to the time when i was 10-12 years old & i can interact with the people of that time?? Leave interacting, i even doubt the virtual travel's practicality.@ 133t.....U r talking of enhancements on existing things. Yes Mobile technology when invented was a type of breakthru - talking to distances, without cords.
abt time travel... i dont believe in Faster than light theory.1) It violates the law of physics that nothing is faster than light.But lets assume one can do that. So u travel faster than light and reach at the spot 1 minute earlier than the light reaches and wait for light of an object to arrive. But this does not mean that u have reached in a future of object of the light which is yet to arrive. You will actually be seeing light which was emitted earlier and then wait for a minute for the light u expect to arrive.Now lets say u r seeing sun, which actually is sun 8 minutes ago. This does not mean that you have gone in ur past by 8 minutes or it doesnt even mean that u have gone in past of sun by 8 minutes.And abt going to future.. how can one go to future? What is definition of future? Future is time which has not arrived. So if u can reach future that means future becomes ur present. How can a present be a future which in reality is yet to arrive?So overall.. even though there are theories of time travel.... there are counter theories too. Ever heard of grand father paradox? Read abt it.And let me ask one thing...lets say time travel (going to past or future) will become possible in future.Which means, man of future shud be able to go in past. So why dont we ever see man of our future coming in to our present (but which is their past)?And one final thing... science is NEVER complete. Things change. Science is based on lots of assumption.Even E=mc2 equation is assumption. Where c is constant currently put as speed of light.
@ devx......
So does that mean that i can go to the time when i was 10-12 years old & i can interact with the people of that time?? Leave interacting, i even doubt the virtual travel's practicality.

yes, not me but theories prove it and it is a well proved and accepted one too.
going deeper will just create more complicated discussions.

bottom line: u need solid theories to make practical products isn't it. Again don't go by instincts.


Even E=mc2 equation is assumption. Where c is constant currently put as speed of light.

it is not an assumption but a proven fact. energies released from nuclear bomb or sun/star can only be explained by that equation.




if u can accept this you can also accept safely that anything in the world is possibile. Time travel,teleportation looks so small(kids stuff) a thing in comparison this very fact of EXISTENCE.
@saarth: u say teleport of small object has started? can u tell me where and who did it? dont talk abt quantum level teleport. if u can show me that someone teleported even a bacteria i wud believe in teleport!
Many of telugu heroes did it in 1940s and 50s and since then..

Only pun intended..
