Have we reached the limit of inventions in technology

  • Thread starter Thread starter amish
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ok thanks for your response. :)

do put in the BREAKTHROUGH inventions that u think are possible in next 20-50 years. And may be basis that u claim them to be so.
1] quantum computers, basis : we need smaller faster and efficient computers, quantum circuits are under development.
2] laser guns, basis: its rather efficient, easy to use, and we have laser light, probably we can use MASER to scorch a person, seems like a laser gun to me.
3] teleportaion : quantum teleportation has been done, thus can be achieved.
4] time travel : one of those that will take quite some time. i dont think i'll b able to see this one.
5] 3d touch screen : prototypes already out there.
6] self replicating robots, : RepRap + AIBO = a mechanical dog that creates more dogs.
7] bringing back neanderthal man or extinct animals to life. we are attempting this already
8] invisibilty. also under development aslready.
many more....i'm quite sure


there is also Physics of the Future by Dr. Kaku who is a string theorist , and his predictions are not random, rather a knowledgeable view on what we can expect in the next 50-100 years.
every yr new graphic card comes which cost like 10000 :(so nope ........
i said quite a few conspiracy theories do make sense, even the 9/11 one does make sense upto a certain extent, and the fact that war is profitable etc etc.
but when stupid people make up theories about how vaccines are bad, or neil armstrong never went to moon, or how alcohol/tabacco comapnies supressed hemp/ marijuana, i begin to doubt this line of thought.


here is Michio Kaku's blog on BigThink, its on my App edge on rockmelt,
this article explains the science that could be used for telepathy
Telepathy Is Easier Than You Think | Dr. Kaku's Universe | Big Think
When u say something is "under devt", that doesnt guarantee its Practical existence!!U can teleport atoms/similar particles......teleporting me from my home to my workplace?? I am dreaming dude!! If that becomes actually possible, then why so much fuss over energy consumption? U wont need any transportation media at all. I am sitting at my home & i wish to see a relative in US/UK, i will just vanish from my home & pop out at that place??Talking of self-replicating robots.......will that robo find its parts on its own & then make a new robot?? Do u mean to say that if it needs a steel body, it will eat up a nearby steel item to make the body of new robot??Yes bringing back an extinct specie to life wud be a breakthrough. Thats what i said - some will still occur.About time travel, i have just 1 question - Suppose at an age of 30 u feel like going to ur age of 10-12......u travel to that time. Now, will u have 2 saarth, or Jaymin or something?? I really dont understand this thing.Invisibility - do clarify more how it wud be possible!!
@saarth... u expect all this to happen in 20-50 years??abt teleport... teleporting a proton is different then teleporting humans. you are talking without considering things completely. Disintegrating human and reintegrating human... we are not even close to it. Science is still not able to rejoin nerves of retina forget abt teleporting whole human.time travel - u r just saying what u expect... i am asking for basis not hypothesis.invisibility - what do u mean by under development. current invisibility development is by trick (mirroring) and not by means of physics/biology.other things u said are enhancements.. which i have already clarified shud not be considered.
Also, talking of telepathy........u dont need a scientist to prove its existence. Its been in existence since long & its usage reduced, which led us to inventing phones.

@rockingtusharthanks for the link. that author has put quiet similar questions! i am surprised!
well if u have a couple of billion of dollars and if ur office is 16km from ur home, then yes there is enough technology to teleport photons from ur house to ur workplace.theoretically quantum entanglement works over millions of light years instantaneously, this phenomenon has been demonstrated here on earth as well (over smaller distances ofc), we need to find a way to send meaningful data using this method, which seems rather difficult as of now.for a self replicating robot, u need to give him a small piece of material (say plastic or wood ) but large enough to make one particular part, now when programmed this robot will make one after another all the parts that are needed.now u attach a assembly system to this, like a car factory.invisibility : now this can be done in two ways (that i know of)1] make a cloak (or any other garment) which has an array of cameras behind and in front. also an array of screens all over completely covering the cloak. (except the tiny pin holes for camera lenses.now the front cameras project everything the see on the rear side of the cloak and vice verse. u r are in effect invisible to an onlooker.2] u can try to bend all the light around you, just like gravity does. this seems rather difficult and inefficient to me, but it may be possible.
No answer to ur reply abt photon transfer .. it makes no sense to my question abt teleporting whole body.. even if i have like billions of billion dollars.Abt invisibility: So if u have cloak with cameras, dont u think cameras wud be visible? And anyway, it falls under trick category.
Thats exactly what we are telling.......About teleporting photons - we are talking of teleporting humans. I gues there is a minute line of difference, very very thin line actually, separating photons from humans.Self-replicating robot - well what u said, is done be machines, may be this wud be an enhancement over it. Its not like u make a robot & leave it roaming around, so that it can make similar robots out of itself. Still, it wud need u to program as to what type of robot u want to make. What amish talked of is - Real Intelligence......not of intelligence that needs to be fed into it.Invisibilty - both points u mentioned, are "tricks". What we are talking of is, irrespective of what u r wearing, a gadget that makes u invisible.
