Have we reached the limit of inventions in technology

  • Thread starter Thread starter amish
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now i am no physicist, but i'll try to explain time travel.now in the universe time and space make up the 4 (known)dimensions.we travel in time all the time , cause time and space are one and the same, so when i walk, when i ride a car, when the earth moves, or when our Galaxy moves we travel in space as well as time. what we need is a way to accelerate or decelerate this.also u should know when we look at far away objects (like stars for significant time difference), we look back in time, we see as they were millions of light years ago.infact when we look back at sun, we see it as it was 8 mins ago.now time travel is obviously complicated and its consequences unkown as of yet. pron we'll only know when we do it. theoretically (and physically on a scale of few seconds) time travel has been performed and proved to be possible, a pair of clocks that are synchronous for hundreds of years kept in exactly same condition show differences within a matter of days or years, when their conditions are changed, like on is kept at high altitude, or when one is accelerated to high speeds. very much in acceptance of einstien's special relativity (i guess).Time Travel : 1] may be when i travel back in time , i'm just an onlooker. i cant interact thus my 12yo self doesnt realise my 30yo self's existence. 2] maybe time is not like an arrow, but a river which has many streams in and out. so whenever u tavel in time u create a new universe. now this has its own complications and needs parallel universes (string theory or not)
So basically u cant defy an existing phenomenon ryt? We see sun as it existed 8 minutes ago......can we see how it will exist 8 mins from current time?? Dont we need to wait for 8+8=16 minutes for that??Then u say that u can be just an "onlooker".....so thats what the catch is! Thats just a "Trick" then.
The problem is we are growing & adopting newer technologies at such a fast rate now that if we don't c a new invention every 1 or 2 years we start thinking we are going slow... The main problem I feel is that there hasn't been any major breakthrough in physics in a last few decades... What we need right now is some thing to help us solve our energy problem & something to help us travel to the stars... Think of how tiny we are in the universe... We haven't even explored our solar system yet let alone traveling to the stars... This my wish that before I die I want to see humanity traveling to stars & not just to the moon or mars... But the problem is we can't really expect to see results on a quaterly basis ... Remember even though the airplane was invented recently the idea was thought off for centuries before it became a reality... So all these things we think about today as impossible may become possible tomorrow ...
C'mon, it isnt magic, that everything thats impossible, will become possible!!
Lets first list out major inventions.Some major inventions by Humans - Fire, Wheel, Medicines, Construction, Minerals/Metals, Tools/Weapons, Calculations/Arithmetic, Computers, Transportation (Vehicles/Ships/Aircraft/Space-craft), Telecommunication (Wired/Wireless - for Voice/Visual/Data), Robotics.List those which I may have missed.And then lets list those which can be new inventions, and not enhancements of above, and of course that invention should be practical and feasible.
Thats the main issue. The things that are not mere enhancements or tricks, and not yet inveted do not meet ur last criteria.......ie, practicality & feasibility....if we were to ignore those conditions, then we can just copy-paste the post no. 1 by Amish.


Yeah, may be a few things wud meet, but they arent comng to my mind right now....;)

Can all participant make a list here the breakthrough in last 2 decades, to give a new dimention to the topic....?it will be better to discuss then.
C'mon, it isnt magic, that everything thats impossible, will become possible!!

I think the key word I used in my statement was "May" ... Flying was considered a miracle a few centuries ago & now look at us... I m not saying everything we imagine will become possible but some may (again the key word here)...
I would suggest you to watch a documentary on YouTube which was broadcasted on discovery channel. It was about Stephen Hawking explaining time travel. Time travel is kind of possible. Time is kind of related to mass of a body. If u go to the black hole in the centre of our Galaxy and stay there for some time say for 5 months, and then when you'll come back to earth, you'll find that the world has become 10-20 years older. Although its practically impossible to go near a black hole coz you'll end up in its stomach, its not practically impossible to travel back or forth in time.
Invisibility is the state of an object that cannot be seen. (from wikipedia) this is also the generally accepted definition or concept. both the methods i mentioned qualify this definition.

teleportation has begun for small objects, large object to follow soon. i said these will happen in near future, about a centuries time. man was not created in a day. he evolved over time. universe is unconscious, it took billions of years for man to come into existence, and in 10k years of our exitence we have created machines as roughly potent as cockroaches ( insert unmanned mars rovers).

also my "tricks" for time travel satisfy the definition of time travel.

now i dont know what magical/metaphysical invention some people have their sight on, i personally dont believe in those.
and if such concepts have in some way blocked some ones mental capacity to see that small gradual changes that lead to bigger breakthoughs.

i am not here to argue, just to share my opinion.

