Is Airtel curbing speed of Filesonic, Fileserve, Oron... and other file sharing sites?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sapney
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It's not just here.

ISPs all around the world throttle speeds.

If one wants to use torrents, night is the time to do it.

So according to you ISP's all around the world curb a 1mbps connection on torrents to get 1/5th of its actual download speed ? Throttling torrents makes sense when you have unlimited bandwidth available to you. But if you are already on a fixed quota of bandwidth which is not a lot compared to other "global" ISP's and then you get throttled in using that too. It does not make much sense then :glare:
India has low bandwidth speeds. 1 Mbps is high speeds for India. Sad reality of 3rd world. Also, you can't blame ISPs for throttling p2p, sites that are used to pirate copyright content.
India has low bandwidth speeds. 1 Mbps is high speeds for India.

Sad reality of 3rd world.

Also, you can't blame ISPs for throttling p2p, sites that are used to pirate copyright content.

I beg to differ, if Beam can offer high bandwidth plans at reasonable prices.. India having low bandwidth does not count. We can have good Optical Fibre set up with decent prices and "good" bandwidth, as proved by Beam. But our government babus and corporate big tanks think India still considers anything above 256kbps as "fast" broadband. Sadly most of the users in India use the internet for browsing websites or browsing youtube videos or chatting away on yahoo chat (helloo dear.... -_-). So no real pressure on them for now... but i do anticipate a change in broadband market once Reliance releases 4g in the market.

p2p are not only used for piracy ... please stop this old stone age ideology. Many legal videos and ebooks are hosted on torrents now, if torrents were really only for illegal purposes.. don't you think most of the torrent sites would be closed by now? There is no way a ISP can determine if you downloading a legal or illegal download from a torrent (specially if it is rar'd and passworded). So even if i am downloading a perfectly legal torrent, airtel throttles me as they "assume" i am downloading illegal crap.
95% of p2p is used to pirate stuff. Go to any torrent tracker & see for yourself.
^ what kinda a retarded statement is that, you blaming a perfectly legit technology without knowing 2 cents about it !! p2p powers about a good 40% percent of www servers including some big names like BBC, CNN, FB,twitter, steam etc , they are all powered by p2p and some them like twitter and soon FB and steam use torrents to pass files and maintain their DB. torrents are a fast a seucre way of pssing huge files all over the web or in betwenn web based servers. learn to tech 1st before making statements like that. as for ISPs some isps do thortle or shape p2p traffic , and they are termed as bad isps, Time warner had to fork out 16 million in damges to customers when a court in states ruled shaping of traffic illiegal, unfourantnelty in india isps make thier own laws. coming to copyrights there is nothing in written CURRENT indian copy right laws which will deem any download of any copy righted content to be used for PERSONAL COMPUSTION illegal , it is perfectly legit as per current laws, after the copyring amendment act 2010 [sic] is passed by parliment somewhere in 2012 or 13 then it might be diiferent.and lastly , that p2p chokes b/w is a big myth , created by ips to make an ass out of customers , there have been many reputed researches in this and all of them have debunked it. it's like you have gun , you can take a life with it or save one, will you blame the gun or if you hit someone with your car ,is the car manufacturer to be blamed for it !! what ppl use the tech for is upto them !
^ is actually quite true. and yes... airtel has no reasonable right to throttle torrents when they are already limiting the amount of data we can download at the original speed of the connection. i am paying 2099+taxes for 150GB at 4mbps. let me have it the way i want it. the sooner i finish the quota, the better it is for them as i would fall down to terrible speeds and would have to get a smartbyte package to get faster speeds.

i am Airtel customer for nearly 4-years now, last week - the first time in 4 years i have crossed 100% usage alert. I was shocked & suspected mis-use in my connection.i called Airtel to find out - they said "NO Change", look at your detail billing - your speed is 512kbps & monthly limit 10GB, for 1099 (old plan) but there is a new plan with 4 Mbps (10GB per month) for 1099 plan - which is not automatically upgraded for old customer unless - they request it !! i felt so cheated, & sufferer being Old & Loyal Airtel customer. i requested to upgrade to 4Mbps (10GB).i got a call from Airtel Technical team to execute 4Mbps (10Gb monthly) plan, i asked them what is my current plan (unfortunately i forgot it) - they said 1Mbps (Day)/ 2 Mbps (Night) 25 GB per month.I got another shock - how Airtel customer care lied to me. This technical team told me to complain against billing shock @ 10GB. Their must be something wrong in Billing dept.I called Airtel again, now they said they (so called Back-end team in Airtel Broadband) changed something from last Month (without informing me), which is downgraded from 25GB to 10GB - and now i know why i received the bill shock 1st time in 4 years! One guy told me they are authorized to do it as per TRAI after 6 month, asked me to go & read TRAI website !!!!another one disconnected to call (failing to find any reason why my plan was changed without informing me), Finally someone - kind enough, took the request to investigate & restore my old plan.I came across some of their internal term called FALCON-1, FALCON-2 migration plan (probably their underneath strategy to throttle their Old & Loyal Broadband customers)any one facing similar issue lately?
I'm not talking about big cos. use of p2pI'm Talking about normal individuals. Goto torrent trackers like tpb, link-removed, etc. You will find 95% of the files are pirated content. BitTorrent s/w like utorrent, vuze are used to pirate stuff. If you deny that,you are the one who is delusional.
well his point was clear. it is not the ISPs responsibility to be the law implementing bodies on the internet. their job is to provide internet services and well they should follow the principles of network neutrality. unless there are government regulations enforcing them to block access to certain sites or services, they have no legal justification to block or restrict access to any online service. even the legal challenge against file sharing services obtained by reliance entertainment was said to be absurd in nature and the implementation was said to be even more absurd in nature. funny enough only reliance broadband was serious about the block and other ISPs pretty much ignored the so called legal ruling by the courts. airtel has no freaking right to slow down my torrents during the day time. except in times of extreme network congestion which is of course understandable.

coming to copyrights there is nothing in written CURRENT indian copy right laws which will deem any download of any copy righted content to be used for PERSONAL COMPUSTION illegal , it is perfectly legit as per current laws, after the copyring amendment act 2010 [sic] is passed by parliment somewhere in 2012 or 13 then it might be diiferent.

are you saying that it is alright to steal stuff if one is going to use it for personal consumption??

It is WRONG to download copyright content without paying whether one wants to use it for personal use or not.
