Kapil Sibal aims to restrict freedom of speech on the internet!

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Monitoring to some extent can be justified.......really offensive stuff can still be taken down. But if they wanted to monitor what i post & ask me to take down what they dont like, then its really sick.


3. Install planted Users on Facebook who can post good, fake and imaginary things about Sibal, Diggy & Madame (Weightage - 40%)

I guess this is already happening! WHerever u go, atleast online u will find Congi supporters. However, they dont dare to meet the general public on streets.
This ones new! (For me)

Why hasn't Anna Hazare condemned the #IdiotKapilSibal initiative?That man has no moral standards. #kapilsibal
Monitoring to some extent can be justified.......really offensive stuff can still be taken down. But if they wanted to monitor what i post & ask me to take down what they dont like, then its really sick.


I guess this is already happening! WHerever u go, atleast online u will find Congi supporters. However, they dont dare to meet the general public on streets.

Already google , FB have strong mechanism in place to handle it . Its also for thier running of the site without legal issues , they have high degree of take-down. These companies have already been taking down what they deem as inaapropraite. But our wise minister wanted humans to pre-filter them .. may be he had idea of creating unique jobs through these

exactly. there are enough laws already to take on blasphemy on the web. sibal just wants a direct button to remove anything that he/government does not like. he is a lawyer by profession and he does not approve of the current system where they have to go to the courts to get an order to force the social networks to remove offensive content. i saw his interview on television. he was like... they are making a mockery of me/us by asking us to go to the court. i mean are you freaking kidding me. you are a lawyer yourself. you should know that the law exist for a reason. the other party should be given a chance to defend his position. that is how democracy works. sadly, he is behaving like sonia gandhi is the dictator of india.
So u have seen the silver lining of this cloud as well!! :DEdit: That was for Naveen!
exactly. there are enough laws already to take on blasphemy on the web.

sibal just wants a direct button to remove anything that he/government does not like.

he is a lawyer by profession and he does not approve of the current system where they have to go to the courts to get an order to force the social networks to remove offensive content.

i saw his interview on television. he was like... they are making a mockery of me/us by asking us to go to the court. i mean are you freaking kidding me. you are a lawyer yourself. you should know that the law exist for a reason. the other party should be given a chance to defend his position. that is how democracy works.

sadly, he is behaving like sonia gandhi is the dictator of india.

I too saw it , It was the most pathetic , unconstitutional( being a lawyer) and irresponsible press meet. This clearly shows and even proves my point i raised here Can Anyone explain me the structure of Indian Govt ? of persons holding offices which they have NO relevance too..

I totally agree with sushubh too , on part of negating the court . Well all it needs , even if such non-sense is passed is a PIL to court to interfere into the govts action and can overturn the law introduced by minister , based on the fact that it interferes with freedom of speech.

There is a theory too , that Congress is bound to fail in coming elections and already people are angry towards UPA with rampant corruption etc.. so they were planning for a emergency rule

another theory is they are diverting people attention with petty FDI and now this censorship .. from the bigger picture of Lokpal.
I suppose most of the IBF members will be belonging to today's youth generation below 30. So you may have had no idea what Emergency was like. In 1977 this same party had implemented Press Censorship. Would you believe that Class 3 government employees were sitting in each and every newspaper, magazine offices everyday. A single line in the newspaper could not be published until and unless they approved it. There was no TV, internet in those days. So for nearly 18 months we just used to read what the government liked. All the news of emergency excesses like lacs of people put behind bars for months for no reason, thousands of forced men's vasectomy operations and many more things remained unknown to the larger population for nearly 18 months. Many newspapers simply stopped publishing during that time.Despite that in 1980 general elections, the government was thrown out. Many leaders in today's government were the youth cronies during emergency. Their mindset is still the same. But they still make the same mistake which they did then... Underestimate how much people value their basic FREEDOM. No power can curb that ever. It could not be done then. It can never be done now in the internet world.
