MTNL 3G Jadoo Experiences and Issues

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just got off speaking to MTNL Bhiyaji :P he is saying that I need to tell the dealer only to get the SIM activated and if it cant be activated then I should return back this SIM..... also he is saying that Sanchar Haat will not help me in this as I have submitted my documents to the dealer.....This the longest SIM activation time ever...The Dealer from whom I got the SIM told me in the morning that the MTNL guy took the documents from him ystdy and it should have been activated by today...but its still not...
If it works its just for a moment and then gets disconnected and does not connect again.

Yup. This is network problem. Put sim in another phone and back in and it should work.
Facing this ridiculous problem since 5 months now.

But speeds in Dadar and Prabhadevi are steady 2.20 Mbps.

I am getting connected to 7 towers IDs: 21993, 20211, 20032, 5311, 5352, 5363, 5411

Sometimes this just causes more problems if the modem is not smart enough to choose the best tower and results in disconnection :(
Well I'm ready to post my verdict. I bought MTNL 3G Unlimited, and after trying it out for a few weeks, I can confidently say that I wasted some Rs. 3000. I live in Borivili West, in the Yoginagar area and the MAX speed I usually get is 1 Mbps. I would not complain about this, except that this is the speed I get on the VERY RARE occasion that I even manage to connect. I subscribed to the 3G service because I need a backup connection to my MTNL landline which is EXTREMELY unreliable. But now it appears that the 3G network in this area is routed through the same network which channels the landline broadband traffic. This means that when the landline broadband connection goes down, so does the 3G. And no I did not bother to phone MTNL to get the issues sorted out. The "aunties" who answered the phone whenever I called them in the past are first-class retards who genuinely do not know what they are doing. On more than 2 occasions I had to actually explain to them what "3G" is. But at least I knew what I was in for before buying the USB modem and the Unlimited package, so I only bought the prepaid and topped up for a single month's Unlimited, just so I could try it out. I was desperately hoping that MTNL would prove my pessimistic expectations wrong. But it was not to be. If it sounds too good to be true it very often is. Nevertheless, I see that other people living in other areas have had better experiences. In conclusion, make sure you go for prepaid, try it out for a month. Do not go for postpaid, and do not sign up for a 12 month contract of something stupid like that.
@shox did u specially make this account today to rant about ur MTNL experience :Ptry it using in some other areas too :P which modem are u using..if its got some external antenna port u can try putting one there might increase ur signal boost.
anant i would suggest you to give an ultimatum to the dealer that by this time if the sim is not activated i want my money back :)Then buy the sim from sanchar haat

yaar the problem is that this is like the only dealer I could find for MTNL ...even the ppl selling SIM cards in the market where the Sanchar Haat is located dont seem to have this SIM .....I have used this dealer before...for activating airtel he is surely slow as he activated even those pretty late...but he is trust worthy...nd he is saying that he has already given the documents so by tomorrow nothing happens I will ask him for a refund which I am sure he won't be agreeing to as now even he doesn't have the documents according to him... Best option here looks like to get the new SIM card from Sanchaar Haat if nothing happens by tomorrow as my Airtel line might get disconnected by 7th....
In my area no one sells MTNL sims and they do not even offer special recharge.
Sanchar haat is the place you should look forward too. They sell the sim for Rs 49 as i mentioned earlier


Or if you want to have a better experience you can come down to mayur vihar :P

did u specially make this account today to rant about ur MTNL experience :P

try it using in some other areas too :P

which modem are u using..if its got some external antenna port u can try putting one there might increase ur signal boost.

Yes I made my account today to rant. Before this I followed all the reviews and experiences in this forum. Based on people's experiences, I decided to buy this 3G Unlimited. And if I loved it, I would have made an account another day to post a rave review.

Why would I want to use it in other areas if I need it as a backup connection to my landline? I do not need it for mobility. I need it to work in my room with my desktop computer.

I get perfectly fine signal strength. Their network infrastructure/traffic management system is hopeless, for this area at least. I also have a Reliance Netconnect+ USB Modem and it works just fine. I'm not sure if 3G providers share the same physical infrastructure such as antennae. If they do, that's all the more reason why MTNL's service in this area is inexcusable.

I am looking into cable internet just so I can get away from landline based internet. Maybe I'll have better luck with that.

Quality of 3G modem has huge bearing signal strength and MTNL 3G experience.

Use windows application like MDMA to literally test the signal strength at various spots in your house. Google the application and download it. Signal strength is between -51db to -120db (negative values). -51 db indicating strongest signal strength for optimum speed and stability. -120db indicates poor signal where modem will try to switch to 2G or EDGE speeds or disconnect altogether.

For MAC OSX users, download MACME which is MDMA alternative
