MTNL Broadband: 8mbps Plans

  • Thread starter Thread starter Atul
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The time-outs are not only for vdsl and 8mps , but also for all other dsl plans.
I'm on 2mbps xpress still and i get time-out trying to login to my netbanking also.
Upon doing , it shows the ping is 1 .. which may be the cause. It should be greater than 1ms ping for everything to work?
facing this issue since last weekend.
U must be speedtesting on Hathway server which mostly gives 0 or 1ms ping..... try other servers.....
Also ping has nothing to do with timeouts.....
Every other day i am getting call from MTNL Lady asking if the YouTube problem is solved or not. I told her it is not yet solved and other people also facing same issue. I got a reply stating nobody has complained regarding such YouTube issue. So i would suggest you all, anybody having this particular YouTube issue should email as well as call MTNL.
I usually just called 1504 or 1500. I just sent an email. Hopefully, they are more responsive.

am also facing YouTube problem since one month...... everything else works perfectly..... its only YouTube tht gives problem.....
So I started using Hotspot Shield free VPN service while using YouTube...... works flawlessly....... u can try other VPN too......
Can't seem to open hotspotshield webpage. Tried all DNSes.
$ ping www.hotspotshield.comPING ( 56 data bytesping: sendto: No route to hostping: sendto: No route to hostRequest timeout for icmp_seq 0ping: sendto: No route to hostRequest timeout for icmp_seq 1
am using Google DNS..... works on MTNL too.....
ping www.hotspotshield.comPinging [] with 32 bytes of data:Reply from bytes=32 time=219ms TTL=50Reply from bytes=32 time=220ms TTL=50Reply from bytes=32 time=219ms TTL=50Reply from bytes=32 time=220ms TTL=50Ping statistics for    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:    Minimum = 219ms, Maximum = 220ms, Average = 219ms
I give up with my 8mbps upgrade plan.
1st I called 1500 mtnl lady and she told me 4000 charge for line bonding and also i have to go to the exchange office with signed letter.
then i go to the office and the concerned person is on a holiday, come tomorrow.
I come tomorrow then again the concerned person is on holiday, come tomorrow (now its weekend, so monday)
now today i go and the officer is present, he sees all the plans are there on his pc as well as my current plan
asks me to write a letter and sign it and when i did that (had to go out and get one since he doesn't provide paper)
he is telling me i have to call 1500 and they will do it!
who is giving me the false information now the lady of 1500 or this officer, anyways i'm tired of all this and i'm also unsure if i need the 4000 extra for the line bonding modem, i'm just 1.5 kms away from exchange.
Give up! :(
