MTNL Broadband is injecting ads on your computer pretending it's a feature

someone should try to ping the new IT minister
I think this issue is not getting enough attention because currently it is affecting only delhi users but once it will hit BSNL (pan india) it would get the required attention :p
coming soon.. said:
I think this issue is not getting enough attention because currently it is affecting only delhi users but once it will hit BSNL (pan india) it would get the required attention :tongue:
I think it's not getting enough attention because most users think that the ads they see are being shown by the websites they are visiting. Even you initially thought the same.
Most users are not technologically literate and do not realize that adphonso is responsible for the ads and that the way they are being displayed is essentially a form of "Man in the middle attack".
From wikipedia:
"A notable non-cryptographic man-in-the-middle attack was perpetrated by a Belkin wireless network router in 2003. Periodically, it would take over an HTTP connection being routed through it: this would fail to pass the traffic on to destination, but instead itself respond as the intended server. The reply it sent, in place of the web page the user had requested, was an advertisement for another Belkin product. After an outcry from technically literate users, this 'feature' was removed from later versions of the router's firmware."
At least adphonso is showing the originally requested web page in an iframe. :Shabbo:
x720 said:
Does no one have contacts in mtnl? Perhaps, we can get a better idea of the whole mess.
I bet "ajitsingh" :pleasantry: has contacts in mtnl. Too bad he likes the ads and thinks they are "new age stuff".
m8r-79r78u said:
I think it's not getting enough attention because most users think that the ads they see are being shown by the websites they are visiting. Even you initially thought the same.

Most users are not technologically literate and do not realize that adphonso is responsible for the ads and that the way they are being displayed is essentially a form of "Man in the middle attack".
the ads I saw were mtnl ebill and upgrade related with my phone number so no way I could think they were shown by the website (earlier it used to appear for me only when I visit this forum) but yeah it was a little shocking because I didn't expected anything like this stupid from mtnl.

P.S. I also manage some sites and know how the ad stuff works
If you Google for AdPhonso you would find more article on how to hide the popups than complaints against the practice. This is why things are not going to change. People look for workarounds rather than complaint against bad practices.

as expected after complaining second time at pgportal mtnl has again sent their lineman who doesn't have a clue about what the fuck I am talking about :( , this is why I was avoiding complaining at pg portal

MTNL why the fuck you do not read our complaints :pissed-off: :pissed-off:
