MTNL Broadband is injecting ads on your computer pretending it's a feature

This is how I have blocked facebook integration with external sites.

Now a days almost all sites have Facebook integration and I do not want them to track me.

I have just modified it to block adphonso completely.

I could not test it though as there is noway for me to test!

For information:
What's ABE?
My question is. Are you blocking the server that is delivering the popup code to your computer hence blocking the popup itself? Or you are blocking the server that is delivering the content that is shown inside the popup.

Because doing the latter does not solve the problem.
It blocks script. (does not block server - you can still access manually)

I think adphonso ads are delivered by adding / injecting Javascript code into HTML pages.

Since javascript itself gets blocked, it wont show popup.

PS: I have assumed that server domain is if not then change it accordingly
so the popup code itself is not added to the html pages that are loaded inside the browser? because that's what i thought was happening.
popup code is added (at MTNL end) but noscript will disable that code

Didn't realise this thread was active. Man these popups are actually hindering the regular browsing. Way too irritating. Earlier they used to appear like for once or twice a day. Now they appear once every hour or even less. MTNL is getting way too bold to keep doing it and increasing its frequency.

Really need to write a letter. Have had it enough.
I'm using Mtnl mumbai and hence, not facing this issue.

But I recommend you all to
1. Complain. Don't let them close the ticket when they send a lineman or do something that won't help this issue.
2. Head to the telephone exchange and speak to the SDE who handles broadband. If he/she doesn't understand, ask for a higher up.
Keep asking for a higher up and don't leave. Most people give up very quickly, if you're persistent, MTNL has no choice but to take this up.
Find out how you can meet the CGM. It's your right, don't take no for an answer. If he/she doesn't know about it, ask her/him who handles this and get a contact and then pursue that.

See if all of you can meet up and go together as a team of 10-15. MTNL surely can't ignore you or send you away. Don't ever be rude though, talk nicely but firmly. Worked for me many a times.
We have complained, but nothing happens. I am still seeing MTNL App popups and MTNL new plan ads everyday.
