New BSNL Broadband Plans for Chennai



Above is the Line Rate of my plan, Line Rate ( 10492 ) is set for 10 MBPS, so i'll get maximum speed of 10 MBPS.
For 20 MBPS it should be set to some where around 20000.
Hi, The bsnl server load thro pppoe fixes the speed and not the user. You could select the plan and the ISP gives you the speed. You cannot set the speed. I mean you are talking about attainable rate. This rate is also in dsl operational procedure. What we could set is adsl modulation from the default to add and remove the tick. Some routers have all the ticks on all the modulations. And if your router is not updating the software part of it, we have to manually set those . If we select g.dmt now , this willl reduce the speed even though your status shows adsl2+.
As inK has informed in this thread and elsewehre in other threads, the distance also plays mportant part in getting the bandwidth and also the deman on the server. I do not know, how this is controlled technically.
The line voice is also important in having good snr and sustainable speed thro it.
My attainable rate is shown as 18 mbps, but copper wire may not transmit those kind of speed, i suppose. You get router from a different vendor and syour service provider provides the cable for connection. I sincerely feel that it is very difficult to get the speed of 20mbps with the available copper wire and so if we want speed we have to switch to fibre connection.
This is what i know, as per my knowledge and understanding.
Hi ink I happen to read your post that 18mbps possible in this 699 plan. Is it true on copper wire transmission? Please also say, should we do some tweaks in network adaptor settings in the properties ? are you available? what is lilne rate? is it attainable rate or actual speed rate
Hi,, ashraf this is the statistics
Adsl Line Status SHOWTIME.L0
Adsl Mode ADSL2+
Channel Mode Interleave
Up Stream 621 kbps
Down Stream 12495 kbps
Attenuation Down Stream 30
Attenuation Up Stream 19
SNR Margin Down Stream 11.3
SNR Margin Up Stream 21.0
Vendor ID RETK
Firmware Version 4926e708
CRC Errors 523
Up Stream BER 0e-7
Down Stream BER 0e-7
Up Output Power 12
Down Output Power 19
ES 450
SES 18
UAS 32

Downstream Upstream
Hlin Scale 3381 0
Loop Attenuation(dB) 30.7 19.3
Signal Attenuation(dB) 30.7 18.6
SNR Margin(dB) 7.5 7.5
Attainable Rate(Kbps) 17752 1154
Output Power(dBm) 20.8 12.0
Adsl Tone List

Snr fluctuates between 10 to 14 now, before it was 6 only
The actual speed is around 10.5 to 10.7 mbps
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This is the most possible speed they can use of asking them for 20mbps.bsnl will announce any speed but these guys should give right?.

Your Current Line rate is set to 12 MBPS, If the Line Rate is increased more your SNR Margin will get reduced.
It may lead to frequent disconnections. You Can test by increasing the Line Rate little ( around 16 MBPS ), if there any is no issues you can move further.

Request your BSNL AE or Exchange to change the Line Rate.
Hi, Ashraf, did you see the last four lines of my statistics. Attainable rate is given as 17 mbps. Is it not the line rate? You mean that it the actual dsl operated line rate could be changed at the exchange? Will enquire definitely.
What is the relation between Snr and line rate?
I thought and think, that Snr is the deciding factor in determining your maximum speed, but what you say, is if you increase the speed of your connection, your snr will be getting reduced.
May be clarified

Hi, Idayakkani , is the process not automated? thro the servers
Do you mean my speed or 18mbps speed for 20mbps.
If that is the bsnl gives thro the present wire, it is the best posson;e speed. Imagine the snr. It would be around 30 the best.
But if you say about mine , then i will say that i am little far away at 2.2 kms straight to the dslam and also that copper wire to such a legnth, the signal will be somewhat reduced, is it not?
I have asked a clarification about line rate increase and snr.
will ask the exchange people too
attainable rate is the maximum rate of speed possible for your connection at a particular sync moment. for higher values say for 10 mbps ot 20 mbps plan this value changes. the rate is the speed the user get at this moment.
i said about 18mbps for a user by looking at the persent attainable rate that user is getting.
such things has to be done from the exchange side.there is little we can do from our end.
@Ashraf if you are so close to the exchange you can try to get the full speed other wise with copper lines changing to a high speed downstream rate will make the connection unstable.
what is ur attenuation rates? and snr margin rates?

"Attainable Rate(Kbps) 17752 1154 " is Attainable Rate. It depends on Attenuation and SNR Margin. It fluctuates according to SNR Margin

"Up Stream 621 kbps
Down Stream 12495 kbps" is the Line Rate set by your BSNL Exchange. If you have a good SNR Margin, can request to increase the Down Stream Line Rate.

Yes, the ADSL2 + only supports 24 MBPS maximum, but it depends on distance from Bsnl exchange to your house, quality of the wire etc.,
Check this Chart:

Yes, the SNR MArgin will get reduced if the line rate increased becuase this Adsl line can't handle this much speed due to long distance of quality of the wire.
