Pakistan has faster cheaper internet compared to India!

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am an indian :P Depends on whether you are Marathi manoos :)
Its pathetic alright. Plus we're not in terrorist infected sh!thole like those vermin or an Island nation in the middle of nowhere. It just sad the state of "broadband" in India 10yrs into 21st century. Can't even watch god dang youtube video without 20mins of buffering and even on "super fast"(LOL) 2mpbs unlimited connection they have sneaky Fair Usage policies that make a mockery of the word 'unlimited". East Asia puts the world to shame including North America with their speeds and broadband penetration and it's beyond me why we can't emulate them. Run a damn overland cable and gets some bandwidth into India....ya know....that country that somehow is marketed worldwide as an "IT power" but still forces its masses to settle for 256k at the most reasonable package. We're in the second decade of the 21st century....lets act like it.
256kbps is the minimum speed required for a connection to be stated as broadband acc. to TRAI ... that is like wtf that needs to be changed only then things might change.
yeas that's so true.i am using 1mb connection for just 400rs a month.unlimited downloading/uploading :Deven we have so many sms packages like 800sms for just 7rupees.callrates vary from network to network.but it's funand we have access to all of your tv channels.specially india's COLOURS tv.rule the heart of every women in pakistan :D
lol i didnt knew that .. and OMFG That is like soo cheap 400bucks .. I spend more than that on my phone for internet and sms 'ing social networks :|

hmm..i think they started rolling out broadband about same time as we did..n then it was costlier than ours..n now we are behind ..they have Local Loop Unbundling..which we still dont are some excerpts from a paper on LLU..showing how it played an important role in kickstarting BB revolution in EU..

"As can be seen from comparing the last column of table 4 with the second column, unbundling access currently constitutes an important role for competition in, for example, Denmark, the Netherlands, France, and Italy, to name a few countries."...."With respect to broadband, we shall now discuss some national experiences in more detail (20). Denmark was an early mover with respect to LLU. Fully unbundled lines were mandated in 1998, and line-sharing in 2001. By October 2001 entrants had gained a market share of 44% of DSL lines. Just over a year later (December 2002), their market share was down to 21%. Note that this does not imply that a large number of consumers switched back to the incumbent because the total market was increasing fast. However, the incumbent priced more competitively and entrants were no longer able to gain a large share of subscribers. ..." source Local loop unbundling in Europe: experience, prospects and policy challenges | Communications & Strategies | Find Articles at BNET

As i have mentioned quite a few times on the forum..if only the govt unbundled the loop we would see a quantum jump in the quality of BB services in the country
